Monday, December 10, 2012

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

People from third world countries like Mexico come to the United States primarily for two reasons. First, the illegal's come here to take advantage our ever expanding welfare state. Subsidized housing, free medical care, free education free everything is here for the taking if they can simply get here. Which is not that big a deal considering the porosity of our borders. The second reason illiterate minorities from south America come to America is to work at the low paying and menial jobs that Americans refuse to take under any circumstances. Such employment is everywhere and includes jobs in agriculture, yard maintenance, construction and numerous other commercial endeavors that require a serious amount of manual labor. Recognizing the problem, that unskilled illiterate minorities come here for the free stuff and to fill low paying jobs that American low-lives will not take, is the key to implementing the comprehensive immigration reform that members on both sides of the isle are always yapping about. The solution to the illegal and costly immigration problem we have faced in America for the past 50 years requires only three simple steps. First, we must have some type of national identification card that can be used to readily identify every single legal citizen of the United States. Second, we must insist that all social programs, from education to health care, be restricted to legal citizens and that not a dime of government money be spent on illegal's, except possibly to deport them. Finally, we should do everything possible to make sure that illegal's are not hired for any job in our country irrespective of how menial it is or how little it pays. Now, if draconian policies like this are implemented, who will pick the grapes and who will cut my lawn you may be asking yourself. Again the answer is quite simple, Americans must be put back to work whether they like it or not! Just think of it, there are nearly 50 million unemployed people in this country. The monies we pay these people in unemployment benefits threaten to bankrupt the country. Why are they not required to work? Similarly, our prisons are bulging at the seams with men and women who sit on their fat asses day after day, week after week and year after year watching television on the flat screen TVs that the taxpayers provide for them at great expense. Why are these people not required to make some contribution to their upkeep by working in the fields and filling the jobs that Americans won't take? In this respect, the prisons should be moved to areas that need workers to produce the food that working Americans eat. I'm not talking about chain gangs here; rather I am talking about a forced work program that will provide meaning employment for huge segment of our population that reside in our prisons. In the same vein, I am not suggesting that the inner-city blacks be returned to slavery or that low-live whites be forced at gun point to work. I am purposing that these individuals be given a choice, either take the jobs that are readily available to them or they starve! No more free stuff, no more slaps on the wrists when you burglarize the local 7-eleven store. No, if you go to jail you are going to sentenced to prison and that means that you also are being sentenced to work whether you like it or not. Similarly, if you are unemployed and fit to work, you are going to work or you are going to starve, no one is going to bail you out with a never ending series of unemployment checks ! It will be clear to the reader that by employing the tactics I suggest to solve our immigration problems we also will have gone a long way towards dealing with the chronic unemployment problem in this country. These two social issues are joined at the hip and require a joint solution based on our resolve to restrict jobs and social benefits to legal citizens while requiring the unemployed and incarcerated members of our society to get off their duffs and go to work. There, problem solved, we have killed two birds with one stone! Wasn't that clever of us?

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