Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lets Pay Them Not To Have Babies!

Lyndon Baines Johnson, that shining star of liberal logic who gave us the great society, did more to destroy America than any person in the twentieth century. You recall this is the guy who picked up his beagle dogs by the ears and told us they liked it. This buffoon didn't know much about dogs and knew even less about human behavior One of the lessons to be learned from Johnson's failed social experiments is this, it doesn't pay to reward single women for having children, especially if they are women of color. There simply are not enough black grandmothers to raise all of these unwanted children and not enough prisons to house them when they get into trouble with the law as teenagers and young adults. Now here's a thought. Paying women to have kids does not work, but what if we paid them not to have children? To test my theory, that it would be cost effective to pay single women not to have babies, let's begin by paying the 13.7 million single moms in the country not to have additional children. All of the monies now provided to them to support their broods will be continued, but we will give them an additional $5000 if they agree to have a Norplant injection to prevent them from becoming pregnant again for the next five years. At the end of the five years we will give them an additional $5000 if they agree to have a second Norplant injection. This voluntary birth control program would be continued for a total of 20 years at a cost of $20,000 per participant; thus, assuring that the vast majority of single mothers who participated in the study would not conceive again during their child bearing years. I think you will agree that this is one social policy that we all can get behind. Lots of free stuff and far fewer unwanted children to feed, cloth, and educate. The total cost of the program, assuming full participation by all single mothers, would be around $27.5 billion dollars annually. Admittedly, that's a lot of money to spend on a trial balloon of this kind. But maybe cheap at twice the price given the alternative, which is to continue the status quo. Consider this statistic for a moment. Benjamin Scafidi PhD, a Georgia State University economist, has shown that single mothers cost the tax payers of this country a whopping $112 billion a year. These expenditures in tax, or more correctly debt monies, does not begin to reflect the burden of single motherhood on society, because you can't measure the pain and suffering of rape and murder victims in dollars and cents. Now you may be thinking, after all these years we should have learned our lesson, why not just stop paying single mothers to have endless numbers of children? Sure would be a hell of a lot cheaper, wouldn't it? Well, sure it would, but you are never going to be able to sell such a change in social policy to our gimme-gimme twenty-first century society, not in a million years you won't! But, for the most part, we are dealing with a greedy bunch of low-lives here and I'll bet my last dollar that if you pay them enough they will end up doing the right thing, despite their natural tendencies to reproduce like rabbits. Yes, Mable, not having kids you can't afford out of wedlock is the right thing to do, no matter what the liberal meatheads tell you! Now, if this trial policy to reduce the numbers of children born to unwed mothers is successful, as it certainly will be, we can expand the program to include all unmarried females of child bearing age. The Sandra Fluke's of the world are going to love this one. Just imagine, not only are we going to pay for their birth control pills, or in this case shots in the arm, but we are going to give them $5000 to spend on drugs, booze, and other fun things every five years for the next 20 years. Sounds like a sure winner to me. Now, one last thing. If you are a single mom with a good job who can afford to raise and educate your own kids, go for it. I don't care how many children you have out of wedlock or, for that matter, in wedlock or how much you spend on a new Mercedes or your next trip to Vegas. Its really none of my business, as long as my tax dollars are not used to pay for it! This should get me the meanie award of the year from the National League of Women Voters, if there is such a thing.

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