Friday, December 21, 2012

What would be the best Christmas present ever for our children? Arm their teachers!

The resent Newtown massacre of innocent children and their helpless teachers was a blow to all of us and a indelible stain on what little is left of our degenerate society. I expect most of you have spent a sleepless night or two struggling with the implications of this senseless slaughter, as I have. We all can agree that something should be done to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy but there is no consensus of what that something should be. As usual, the politicians have turned this catastrophe into a political tug of war between the uninformed liberals (think stupid) who never saw a gun they did not dislike and the conservatives who will not give an inch on the gun rights issue, come hell or high water. A pox on both their houses! Let me say up front, that I have nothing against reasonable gun control, whatever that is, because, it will not make a lick of difference how many AK 47s or machine pistols you have hidden away in your house when the Feds come up your driveway with that humongous Sherman Tank, none at all! Furthermore, I would be willing give up all of my firearms if it would prevent future Newtown like massacres. Unfortunately, there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that gun control laws, no matter how strict, reduce the crime rate one iota or increase the safety of our children while they are attending their pathetically ineffective socialist schools. In the first place, the most horrendous massacres ever on American soil were carried out by malcontents who used dynamite (1927 Bath school house massacre in which 34 children and 6 adults were killed) and a fertilizer bomb (Timothy McVeigh the Oklahoma City bomber who killed 160 adults and children with ingredients he bought at the local feed store) to carry out their evil deeds. Second, cities like Chicago, which have the highest murder rates, not surprisingly have the strictest gun laws in the United States. Similarly, countries which have the toughest gun laws (Brazil, Russia and Mexico) also have the highest murder rates in the world. Finally, one more example to nail this thing down once and for all! Norway has extremely strict gun laws yet Anders Britvic was able to mow down 69 individuals, mostly youngsters, with an automatic rifle. No Mable, strict gun laws do not prevent crimes of any type and most assuredly they do not prevent mass murders! Along these same lines, as John Lott points out in More Guns Less Crime, that states with the fewest guns have the most crime and the states that have the most guns have the least crime. This is particularly the case in states that allow their citizens to carry concealed weapons, these states have the lowest crime rate of all. By the way, remember the Los Angles riots of 1992? Watts was literally destroyed except for the businesses ran by the Korean shop owners who protected their property from the roof tops with automatic weapons. The fact is that guns do not kill anyone any more than does an SUV. No, bad guys kill people, especially mentally ill bad guys. There are not enough mental hospitals in all the world to lockup all these walking time bombs. So what do we do? Fortunately, for our most precious treasure, our children and grand children, the answerer is quite simple. We arm our teachers! Yes, I am proposing the only solution to the school massacre crisis that makes any sense. Not only should we encourage our teachers to learn how to shoot a gun and carry firearms, but we should pay them an extra bonus to do it. I also suggest that any school employee who kills one of these evil crazies who threaten our children should be rewarded handsomely, say immediate retirement at full salary and free medical care for life. Maybe even a onetime gift of $500,000 as a show of appreciation for preventing a school ground massacre would be appropriate. No locked doors, no hiding under the desks or in the closet, no razor wire fences, no metal detectors, no well meaning unarmed fools standing around in camouflage fatigues twiddling their fingers, none of that expensive and meaningless BS. Just teachers that will shoot your sorry ass if you look cross-eyed at one of our children. There I've said it and I feel much better for having done so! Happy Christmas!

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