Sunday, December 16, 2012

Read what others have said about Trapped.

"I think the author is right, people with gender identification and sexual preference abnormalities are born with their wires crossed and there is nothing we can do about it, so we might as well accept them for what they are and get on with life." - Jim Bell "I had no real idea of what it might be like to be a transsexual before reading Trapped. Dr. Merrill's book should be required reading in every high school in America, in the world for that matter. Maybe Secretary of State Clinton should take a copy or two along with her the next time she visits one of those Middle Eastern countries where they stone gays and lesbians." - Cecil Hardgrave "The material in this book is amazing! I had no real understanding of the condition called transsexualism before reading Trapped or to what lengths a person would go to change their sexual identity. The author paints a bigger than life picture of the characters in his story. Reading about their attempts to escape the bodies in which they were born changed my whole perspective on the issue of gender identification and made me take another look at the plight of homosexuals and the issue of gay and lesbian marriage." - Jim Hipkins "As Dr. Merrill points out, there is a lot we don't know about gender identification problems. The author makes a compelling case for those of us who were somehow born with the wrong genitalia or sexual orientation. I hope this book leads to a better understanding of what it means to be a transsexual, gay or lesbian person. Hopefully, society will accept us for what we are and forget about trying to change us into something that we aren't." - Philip Hillier

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