Monday, January 29, 2018

Super Foods Part 1. THE BERRY KINGDOM

I expect that most people eat berries because they like the flavor of the berries, giving little or no thought to their nutritional value. As we will see shortly, not all berries are created equal. Some, like the strawberry, have very little dietary value while others, like the Goji berry, are packed vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and almost everything else that is good for you. In the second part of this book we will explore the nutritional benefits of leafy green vegetables, which, while not as tasty as berries, are also packed with nutritional value. Finally, in part three, we will explore the nutritional benefits of the fruits we eat. I know you will benefit from this ride through the world of foods we consume on a daily basis. Let’s begin our journey with the most nutritious berry of them all, the Goji berry.
1. The Magical Goji Berry
Of all the super foods, the Goji berry, also known as the wolfberry, has the longest and most renowned history. The health benefits of the Goji berry were first recognized by a doctor who was studying an ancient society in the remote mountains of the Himalayas. He found that many members of this social order lived for a hundred years or more without the usual signs of aging such as graying hair, loss of teeth and diminished eye sight.
Eventually, he recognized that most of these individuals lived near water wells which were over grown with Goji berry plants. He Goji Berry, Sweet Lifeberry PPAF, , largeconcluded that, as the berries ripened, they fell into the water where their ingredients dissolved in the liquid and subsequently consumed by the villagers who relied on the well for their daily water supply.
History also suggests that Professor Li Qing Yuen, the oldest person to have lived in recorded history, attributed his longevity to having consumed Goji berries every day of his life. Professor Yuen was born in 1678 and died in 1930, having lived 252 years. Yuen didn't live as long as Methuselah, but much longer than any other modern man. Li Qing Yuen twice received longevity awards from the Chinese government.
Whether this historical data is fact or fiction is open to debate; however, it is clear that the people residing in many of these ancient civilizations lived longer and healthier lives than those of us who live in the modern world. As we will see, modern research suggests that the healthful nutrients in the Goji berry play a role in their good health of people who lived in the remote areas of Tibet and China.
Today, in our modern world, many people who eat Goji berries daily have noticed improved eye sight, restoration of hair color, mood enhancement, improved energy levels, better sleeping habits, stronger immune function and more zest for life. Most importantly, Goji berries have a ROAC (Radical Oxygen Absorbance Capacity) of 25,300, one of the highest of any fruit, berry or vegetable. Here are some of the scientific facts that support the belief that Goji berries are the number one super food.
Protein: Goji berries are one of a handful of plant based foods that provide all of the building blocks for the essential proteins that the body cannot produce for itself. Meats contain these essential amino acids but the vast majority of vegetables do not.
 Eye health:  Goji berries are rich in zeaxanthin, the pigment that gives the berry its reddish color. People who consume Goji berries have a lower incidence of age related macular degeneration and other eye problems. Interestingly, the leaves of Goji berries, from which Goji berry green leaf tea is made, have all of the healthful ingredients present in the berry itself, except for zeaxanthin.  Thus, the leaves of the Goji berry are nearly as healthful as the berry itself.
Longevity and anti-aging properties: The Chinese have long associated the Goji berry with longevity. Modern research reveals that certain oils in the Goji berry, called sesquiterpinoids, increase the production of human growth hormone, the only compound that has been proven to produce an anti-aging effect in humans. As we age our production of growth hormone decreases, by consuming Goji berries one can compensate, at least in part, for the age induced decrease in this important anti-aging hormone.
Heart disease: The consumption of goji berries increases the level of the superoxide dismutase in the body. This enzyme prevents the oxidation of cholesterol. In its oxidized form cholesterol contributes to heart disease; thus, by eating Goji berries, or by drinking Goji berry green leaf tea, we  can lower our risk of heart disease.
Immune system: Goji berries contain three compounds that boost the immune system. The polysaccharides in the berries improve the overall function of the immune system while beta carotene stimulates the thymus gland. Germanium, and the other antioxidants, neutralize the free radicals in the body which cause mutations in our DNA and decrease the chance of developing cancer. DNA mutations also cause the cell damage associated with premature aging.
 The antioxidants in Goji berries include vitamin c, zinc and copper, which protect DNA from the harmful effects of free-radicals. In fact, Goji berries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. This is one of the primary reasons Goji berries are classified as a Super Food.
Auto immune disorders: One in five of us suffer from an auto immune disorder in which our immune system attacks our own healthy cells rather than the bacteria and viruses that invade our bodies. The polysaccharides contained in Goji berries provide specialized sugars that help our immune system distinguish between normal and abnormal invading cells.
Finally, goji berries are rich in minerals. Some, called trace elements (copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous, germanium and selenium) are needed only in tiny amounts; others like iron and calcium are needed in larger amounts. Goji berries and their leaves supply all of the essential minerals necessary for good health.
Availability So why do you have to buy dried Goji berries, which are mostly produced in China under very questionable agricultural conditions? The answer is quite simple, fresh Goji berries are extremely perishable and begin to deteriorate the minute they are removed from the vine. Basically, they turn to mush a few hours after they are picked. I am presently experimenting with ways to preserve Goji berries so that they can be marketed fresh.
Fortunately, as mentioned above, except for zeaxanthin, the compound that gives the Goji berry its reddish color and is important in the prevention and treatment of eye disease, all of the beneficial compounds of the berry also are found in Goji berry green leaf tea.
Possible harmful effects People taking blood thinners like warfarin should not consume Goji berries, otherwise they are safe for anyone to eat.
This chart summarizes some of the most significant nutritional data on Goji berries. These figures are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Serving size 1 ounce
% daily value
Serving size 1/4 cup
% daily value
Vit. A (antioxidant)
Vit. C






Possibly the most significant information provided on this chart is the exceptionally high content of vitamin A in Goji berries. Vitamin A is essential for good eye sight and is one of the bodies most powerful antioxidants.
In the next chapter I will discuss the nutritional value of blueberries. Goji berries and blueberries both derive health benefits from their high levels of antioxidants which protect the body from the free radicals that damage your cells and play a major role in the development of heart disease, accelerate the signs of aging and increase the chances of developing cancer. Goji berries contain ten times more antioxidants than blueberries.
The propagation of Goji Berries. Goji berries are relatively easy to grow in temperate climates such as we have in California. The Goji berry can be grown from seeds or cuttings. Perhaps the easiest way to grow a Goji berry plant is to transplant one of the suckers that invariably come up around the mother plant.
Cultivating the Goji Berry plant. Goji berry plants can be grown in almost any soil but do better in well-drained soil rich in organic material. Goji berry plants should be grown on a trellis. I employ a three wire trellis, the first wire being about 18 inches from the ground. The second two 16 gage zinc coated wires are positioned 16 and 32 inches above the initial wire. The plants are spaced about six feet apart in rows that are six to eight feet apart.
As the plants develop they are tied to the wires with  garden twine. It is important to limit the number of branches that are allowed to develop from each vine, two to four at the most. The remaining shoots should be cut off at ground level. The tiny purple flowers and subsequent berries develop from new shoots each year, not old growth, so the plants should be pruned accordingly each fall. The berries will be few in number and small the first year but you can expect a decent crop the second year and each year thereafter. A Goji plant will thrive and produce fruit for many years. Unfortunately, not all Goji berry plants are equally productive. Therefore, the best way to propagate Goji berry plants is to take cuttings from plants that are producing large amounts of fruit.
The biggest problem you will encounter raising Goji berries is the damage to the crop caused by birds. My entire berry patch is  covered with plastic netting, top and sides, to keep the birds from getting to the crop. If you are only growing a few plants a half inch netting may be placed over each plant. You also can review the pertinent data on the internet to learn how others have tried to keep the birds from eating their ripe Goji berries.

Goji berry plants are relatively resistant to disease except for powdery mildew which must be controlled by frequent spraying with an appropriate fungicide like liquid sulfur.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Miner's Lettuce.

Spring is just around the corner and one of the first indications that things are getting better in northern California is the development of large patches of Miner's lettuce in the fields around our oak trees. This spring gem derives its name from the fact that the early miners in California, and elsewhere throughout the west coast, relied on these greens for their nutrient value during the cold spring weather in northwest. Minor's lettuce is rich vitamin C which prevents scurvy and for this reason has been called a "Wild Green Supper Food". Minor's lettuce also is rich in Omaga-3 Fatty Acids, beta carotene and protein. So, the next time you are out for a walk this spring, keep an eye out for this wonderful California treat, you'll be glad you did, It's easy to pick and great for salads and a variety of other dishes.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Introduction to Super Food Book

For most of my life, I never gave foods a second thought, either I liked them or I didn’t. I expect that many young people make the same mistake. In this respect, most 16-year-olds cannot conceive of the possibility that they will ever a senior citizen having wrinkled skin, white hair and walk with a cane. But, baring a fatal accident or an early death from cancer or heart disease, most young people will now live into their eighties or nineties, in some countries, even their hundreds. The quality of life they will enjoy, when they reach their elder years, will primarily depend on two factors. First, how rigorously have they exercised during their life time. Without a doubt, a demanding persistent exercise program is a key to living a long, healthy and productive life. Of equal importance, I would argue, are the dietary decisions we make throughout our lives, especially early on when we are young and oblivious to the fact that we might live to be an oxygenarian. This book is designed to be a wake-up call for younger people who may not understand that what they eat in their thirties, forties and fifties can play a significant role in how they will spend their lives as senior citizens. It’s one thing to live to be 90 in a state of dementia, and quite another to be a septuagenarian who spends his days working at the computer, playing golf or tending a garden. Yes, cutting down on the consumption of red meat in our diets is every bit as important as the time we spend on the exercise bike or jogging. Eliminating unhealthy foods like beefsteak and bacon entirely from our diets may not be necessary, but cutting down on their consumption makes a world of sense from a nutritional standpoint. In this respect, Seventh Day Adventist males who adhere to a vegetarian diet live 7.28 years longer than the average non-vegetarian males while their female counterparts live, on average, 4.42 years longer than females who regularly consume meat. Along these same lines, it will come as no surprise to the reader that vegan men and women, on average, weigh 32 and 34 pounds less, respectively, than their meat eating counterparts. Interestingly, vegan men and women die of the same conditions that kill meat eaters, they just live longer more productive lives before succumbing to the inevitable. Having said this, the purpose of Superfoods is not to stress the importance of a vegan diet; rather, it is to emphasize the fact that there are significant differences in the nutritional value of the foods we consume on a daily basis. In this respect, the ORAC value (the ability of a food to rid the body of the free radicals that cause premature aging, heart disease and cancer) of black currants is almost twice that of red currants. Similarly, the ORAC value of purple cabbage is four times that of the green variety. There are few exceptions to the general rule that the darker the color of a fruit or vegetable the more nutritious it will be for the consumer, even though they cost the same at the market. This book concentrates on Superfoods because they are particularly nutritious and often unknown to the consumer. In this respect, most people have never tasted a Goji berry, arguably, the most healthful food on the planet. This berry is literally “good for everything that ails you”. Unfortunately, Goji berries are difficult to find and extremely pricy. The answer to this dilemma is simple, grow your own Goji berries; this book tells you how do it. In fact, most of the Superfoods discussed in this book are easy to grow and the reader can save a significant amount of money by growing his own spinach rather than spending $4.00 for a head of relatively non-nutritious lettuce at the supermarket. Even if one does not have the space for a garden the reader will be able to live a longer and healthier life simply by knowing that a purple head of cabbage is more nutritious than its green counterpart. Similarly, when buying a bunch of beats, how many of us throw away the beet greens, not realizing that these colorful greens are more nutritious than the beets themselves. This book is literally packed with nutritional tips, such as these, which will help you live a longer, healthier and productive life. We will begin our journey by describing the nutritional value of the wide variety of berries we eat. Some, like blue berries and strawberries, are well known and readily available; others like Goji berries and the Cape gooseberries are less well known and, for the most part, not readily available at the local food store or the farmer’s market. However, they both are easy to grow as are most of the foods discussed in this book. In part 2, we will explore the world of leafy green vegetables. Finally, in part three, we will investigate the nutritional benefits of the fruits we eat. I know you will profit from this journey through the world of nutritional delights. We begin the excursion with a tour through the berry kingdom.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Planting Tomato Plants

It's about time to plant tomatoes. I start my tomatoes from seed, usually in December of the previous year in a green house and transplant the seedling in April when they are 8 to 12 inches tall (the taller the better). First, prepare the ground before planting tomato seedlings. I mix in earthworm castings, alfalfa pellets and a handful of ground oyster shells to each hole before inserting the tomato plants. The calcium in the oyster shells prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes and other vegetables. Ground up oyster shells only come in 50 pound bags; thus, oyster shells may not be a practical way to add calcium to the soil if you are only going to raise a few tomato plants. Egg shells also are a practical way to add calcium to the soil, but they take several months to break down and release the mineral into the soil. Other sources of calcium are bat guano, soft rock phosphate and Dolomite lime. Plant the tallest plants available for the best end result. To plant relatively tall plants, you have two choices. Either dig an appropriately deep hole or, better yet, dig a 4 to 6 inch trench and lay the plants on their sides. Pull off the lower leaves. Roots will form where the leaves were attached to the plants resulting in healthy strong plants. Make sure that only the top cluster of leaves are above the ground after the seedlings are planted. I plant only "indifferent" tomato plants which should be grown upward on a cage or trellis ("different" tomato plants are grown as bushes with their branches and leaves close to the ground). I prefer indifferent plants because they produce all season long whereas different plants primarily produce a one time crop. To encourage upward growth, and help prevent tomato viral diseases, after the plants have reached a height of about eight inches start removing the lower leaves from the plants. The lower leaves of a tomato plant should not be allowed to touch the ground to discourage viruses in the ground from reaching the upper branches of the tomato plant. At this stage of growth you also should begin removing the suckers from your tomato plants. Suckers form at the junction of a tomato plant's main stock, or stocks, and a leaf. If the suckers are not removed the plants will tend to grow sideways rather than upwards. When the plants are 1.5 to 2 feet tall selected suckers may be retained and attached to the wire cage or trellis in which you are growing them to achieve the desired form of the adult plant. If you are unsure about the appearance of a tomato sucker, go to the internet and watch a video on tomato suckers. I should also mention that the removed suckers may be placed in the ground to produce additional tomato plants. One final tip on growing delicious tomatoes. The tomato flower contains both female and male sex organs. To encourage tomato plants to produce fruit, shake the tomato blossom with your hand or the brush of a battery driven electric tooth brush, around noon each day. This method of fertilization does not work as well if performed earlier in the morning or later in the day. Shaking the blossoms not only increases the yield of a tomato plant but also increases the number of seeds in the tomato, which enhances their flavor. Happy gardening!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trump Sells Out To The Liberals-Our Conservative Dream Of A Nation With Boarders Vanishes Into Thin Air.

No, there will be no wall and there will be no end to the numbers of illiterates from south of the boarder who will ultimately make America, Mexico- Lite. This all became crystal clear during President Trumps historic news conference yesterday. Those of us who reluctantly bet on this guy are the big losers, every last one of us as are our children, grandchildren dogs and cats, in short every living thing that walks the face of American soil. Those of us who hoped for, at the very least, a short segment of wall in exchange for some form of legalization for the children brought into this country by their illegal parents under DACA were flabbergasted by Trumps apparent willingness to abandon this impediment to citizenship without a fight or achieving anything else of importance in return. His attitude seems to be "Well, DACA is inherently a bad thing so, for starters, let's get rid of it and start off with a clean slate." This, of course, is the politics of a fool! It reminds me of the time Tip O'Neill took Ronald Regan to the wood-shed for a political thrashing. Yes, those of us who crossed our fingers, and everything else within reach, and hoped for the best when we voted for the juvenile buffoon Trump, made a colossal mistake, and we are about to pay for it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Chicago Sets New Record With 762 Murders in 2016.

The real question is this. How many murders would it take for this statistic to make the front page, or any page for that matter, of any west coast news-rag? What if there were ten times the murders in this "den of iniquity", would any of the drive-by media take notice? I doubt it! In fact, murder has become so common in most of our big cities that it no longer is of any significance to the liberal press or anyone else for that matter. Obviously, murder, rape and other forms of mayhem have become so common in today's America that they do not warrant comment by the press. This wonton disregard for human life is a sign of our times and an indication of how degenerate our society has become. As I have been preaching recently, our large cities have become third world countries and the murder rates in these places are a good indication of just how far we have fallen.