Monday, November 19, 2012

Lets join hands and go over the fiscal cliff together!

The so-called fiscal cliff is fast approaching and politicians on both sides of the aisle are predicting Armageddon and the end of times. When liberals and conservatives agree on anything, even going to war, I immediately become very suspicious and conclude that there is something very wrong in Denmark. While it's true that the drastic cuts in military spending, which are part of the sequestration, might not be the wisest move in a world that is becoming increasingly more third world and anti-American as each day passes, it also is true that the military is one of the most wasteful institutions on the face of the earth. Certainly the cuts in military spending resulting from the sequestration would not be nearly as crippling as the military hawks would have us believe. Similarly, taxing the rich is nothing more than a redistributive liberal scheme to buy votes from non-productive members of society; but it is a meaningless exercise in futility because, if we confiscated every last penny from the so-called rich, it would fund the government for less than three months. The liberals in Washington DC know this and only continue with this erroneous line of propaganda to stir up their clueless base, you know the 20,000 who lost their good paying jobs when they forced Hostess (the maker of Twinkies) into bankruptcy. These witless wonders will believe anything because they live in la-la land! They also don't have a worry in the world because they know Obama will take care of them. In any case, I am willing to cut the military and take a little more from the so-called rich to get to the second part of the sequestration which forces a significant reduction in federal spending. No one in recent memory, not even Reagan, has been able to make a significant dent in the growth of the government and the accompanying escalation of the national debt over the long haul. Oh, Reagan slowed it down a little, and there was actually a small budget surplus for a couple of years in the late 90's when Clinton was president and the republicans controlled both the house and the senate, but these were simply exceptions that make the rule. As a whole the moneys spend on everything the government gets its grubby hands on has been growing at an exponential rate since the Eisenhower administration in the 50's. Things have become so bad that the Obama administration ran up more debt in his first four years than did all of our previous presidents combined! At this point our national debt exceeds 16 trillion dollars, that's a 16 with 12 zeros after it. I don't know about you, but I can't begin to fathom numbers of this magnitude. In any case, the only way to slow down this monstrosity, that is our government, is to significantly curtail the multitude of social programs that have been the bread and butter of both the democrats and liberal main stream republicans for over 60 years. The sequestration forces such a change in public policy by greatly reducing the millions of unemployed who are dependent on programs such as food stamps, never ending unemployment insurance, affordable housing and unlimited healthcare (think sex-exchange operations for all public employ union members in San Francisco many of which are sexual misfits) to name only a few of the worst offenders. Medicare and Medicaid also will take a hit under sequestration, a well deserved hit I might add. By the way while I'm at it, as long as there is a single grape to be picked in our great central valley, or a single artichoke to be picked in beautiful Monterey county, the unemployed low-lives in our inner cities should be forced to pick them. Agriculture is a year around operation in many areas of our country and the able bodied unemployed should be forced to perform this work. If they refuse they should be allowed to starve. I will bet my last dollar that few will elect to starve. A policy like this would go a long way towards solving our problems with illegal immigrants. I got a little off the track here, but my main point is that sequestration seems like our best option at this point of time. Yes, it might be painful on the near term and, yes, it might lead to a second recession of short duration, if we are not already in one, but in the long run it seems to be our best option. I for one do not trust that despicable cry baby John Boehner to work out a meaningful compromise with Obama, he simply doesn't have the balls for the job, well in truth he hasn't any balls, that's the long and short of it! So, let's join hands with the liberals and jump off the fiscal cliff together. I for one will be wearing gloves so as not to dirty my hands!

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