Monday, October 23, 2017

Salvaging What Is Left Of America. Step 3. Restricting voting rights.

I believe that most of us can agree that only American citizens should be allowed to vote. More controversial, is my contention that there should be other voting right restrictions to prevent non-contributors (welfare queens, felons, the chronically unemployed and permanently disabled, to name only a few of the worst offenders) from voting for unsavory politicians who will, at every turn in the road, use the tax payers money to buy their votes and retain their political stranglehold on the country. In this respect, it is one thing for a politician to campaign on a platform that will increase the minimum wage, financially flawed as it may be, and quite another for a Demoratic (there's that new word again) politico to attempt to buy the vote of a welfare queen by promising to increase her monthly welfare check. It is indisputable that the average liberal politician spends his political career using tax payers dollars to buy the votes of the underclass so that he or she can stay in power and feather their own nests in the process. This blatant political corruption must stop if we are to survive as a fiscally sound nation. So, here are a few voting right changes that we should make to right our floundering financial ship of state. My recommendations would greatly reduce the numbers of people who would be allowed to vote (I've had enough of this pure democracy that is killing our nation). In general only those who contribute to the well being of society would have the privilege of voting, those that don't contribute don't vote. There are several ways one could meet this qualification. Here are a few of the most important. First, anyone who pays federal or state income taxes would be allowed to vote. Second, all retired people on social security would be allowed to vote. However, those on social security because of any form of disability would not be allowed to vote. Second, anyone who owned property and paid property taxes would be allowed to vote but renters who did not pay income taxes would not be allowed to vote. Finally, anyone who served in the military, and was not dishonorably discharged, would have the right to vote. When all is said and done, there is no reason that a welfare-queen or a person on total disability because of a drug addiction (to name two of the worst offenders) should be allowed to vote for a politician who promises to increase their government welfare benefit. At present that is exactly what is happening throughout our once great nation, especially in our inner cities. This form of political corruption must stop if we are to have any chance of righting our failing ship of state. In my next blog I will discuss another thorny issue- the career politicians.

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