Monday, October 9, 2017

Salvaging What Is Left Of America. Step 1. Establishing A National Photo Identification Card For Citizenship.

Many of our countries problems could be solved simply by insisting that every citizen carry an identification card, similar to drivers license, to show that they are legal citizens. This card would be necessary for the citizen to vote (I'll have much more to say about who should be allowed to vote in a subsequent blog) and to work. The illegal's that are already in the country should be given a green card that would allow then to work, but not vote, while we determine what to do about their illegal status. Once the wall is completed we could make them permanent non-voting residents or give them a path to citizenship. This card would have two immediate beneficial effects. First, it would put an end to illegal voting. In truth, we have no idea how big a problem this is, but I believe it is far more significant than most people realize. Certainly the liberal politicians think this is the case. Second, it would assure that citizens who want to work have the first crack at the jobs available since an employer would be forced to hire a legal citizen rather than an illegal who would agree to work for less. Most importantly, new illegal's (those who enter the country after the law is passed0 would be prevented from working under any circumstance, rather they would be deported. Of course, there would have to be appropriate, severe penalties, for employers who try to skirt these new right to work laws. It is important to realize that, even if we had such an identification card, we would still have to build the wall since only a meaningful wall will prevent illegal drugs and other contraband from being brought to our country from Mexico. Now back to the identification card. Who could possibly be opposed to such a simple cost effective solution to our voting and immigration problems. Well, just about everybody, that's who! First, there are the liberals and Demoratic politicians who use the tax payers money to buy the votes of the illegal's so that they can stay in power. (Note, Demorat is not a misspelling, rather it is a new word I came up with to characterize these lowlife self-serving vermin who call themselves liberal politicians.) In any case, of equal significance are the individuals in commerce who thrive on cheap labor and will do anything in their power to drive down the cost of the goods and services they peddle to the American public. I'll have a lot more to say about the costs of the goods we buy in a subsequent blog. The bottom line is this. Even though it makes perfect sense to have a national photo ID card to establish citizenship, it will not happen because the politicians and Chamber of Commerce, for their own selfish self-serving interests, won't let it happen. In my next blog I will tackle another unsavory issue-Birth Control for The Intellectually Challenged. You can follow my blogs on The Conservative Pulpit by Daniel C. Merrill MD. There are over 200 of them covering everything from soup to nuts.

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