Monday, October 16, 2017

Salvaging What Is Left Of America. Step 2. Birth Control For The Intellectually Challenged.

First, let me make one thing perfectly clear. This is not solely a racial issue! Although I spent much of a previous blog describing the inferior mental capacities of American Blacks and Latinos, there also are plenty of White dullards in our country. We will have to deal with all of the intellectually challenged, irrespective of race, if we are to do anything meaningful to improve the quality of life in America for those who will be living here 50 to 100 years from now. As I see it, the first step in this reconstruction project is to do everything possible to increase the IQ of the average American, irrespective race or the color of his skin. I firmly believe that this can be done, but it will take much time and effort. Most importantly, it will take a complete reversal of our present political mindset that refuses to accept the fact that we are not all born with equal intelligence. By way of review, one of the most disastrous decisions ever made by an American president was Lyndon Johnson's executive order to pay unmarried women to have children. Many of our social problems today can be traced back to this bone-headed decision which destroyed the Black family, greatly increased our prison population, and brought America, literally, it its very knees (we just don't know it yet). We must reverse this disastrous policy. Rather than paying women of marginal intellectual capacity to have large numbers of children, we should be paying them not to have children! Once again this not a racial issue. This policy would apply to any female who wants to participate, with one importat exception. Women who have a B or better average in high school would not be legible for this plan. Rather, the Norplant pregnancy prevention program is designed for low IQ females who are floundering in school. As I will discuss later, female students who are successful in school, and in life, should be encouraged to have children by providing maternity leave, child support and other enticements to encourage child bearing. As with most of my suggestions for improving the quality of life for Americans, this one is very doable and very easy to implement. Any women, regardless of race, who does not have a B average in school by the time she reaches puberty, will be offered the option of having a Norplant injection which will prevent pregnancy for a period of 5 years. Those that are willing to participate in this program will be paid a reasonable stipend. I will leave it to the economists to determine the exact amount of this award, but $5000 seems reasonable. At the end of this five year period of paid infertility the participant could elect to continue in the program and receive another Norplant injection and another $5000 from the government's national IQ improvement program. Alternately, she could elect not to have a second Norplant injection and become fertile again. After becoming pregnant, or possibly having a change of mind, she could reenter the Norplant program and remain so enrolled for the remainder of her child bearing years. The rational for this option is based on the fact that it is better for a Low IQ female to have one or two offspring rather 6 or 7 as is, so often, the case now. I expect the first question the reader will ask is whether a program like this will be cost effective and who will pay for it? Well, as with most social programs, the government will pay for it, just as they do for all of their other economic misdeeds. The main goal of the Norplant program is to, over the long haul, raise the average IQ of the American population. Admittedly it will take many generations for the program to achieve this goal. However, some of the other social benefits of the Norplant program will be more immediate. At present 72% of all young blacks are either incarcerated or on probation while one in 31 of all Americans are in prison. The social havoc caused by these individuals when they commit their crimes and the cost of their imprisonment is an enormous burden on society. Even a modest reduction in the birthrate of low IQ children, who are more likely to become criminals than those who are bright, would greatly improve the lives of law-abiding citizens and significantly reduce the costs of the unchecked criminality that we are now experiencing in America's inner cities. It is important to emphasize two points. First, his program is strictly voluntary and may be terminated at the end of every five year period. Second, it is based on an assessment of mental capacity, not race, which can be accurately determined before a female reaches puberty. I'll bet you didn't know that. A females performance in school is a reasonably good indication of her intellectual capacity although we also could just give her an IQ test. Now, you may be asking, why don't we have a similar program for low IQ males? The reason, of course, is that we do not have a Norplant like injection that will render a male infertile for a given period of time, wish we did! At present the only alternative for males is castration or vasectomy both of which are, for practical purposes, permanent and irreversible. However, having said this, I would not be opposed to a program that would pay a young man who is failing, or has dropped out of school, a sizable sum if he agreed to be sterilized, $25,000 seems about right. We might ever consider a higher amount for gang members and other really unsavory individuals. Way to much you say. Well, consider this fact, It costs the state of California $70,812 to incarcerate an inmate for every single year he in prison. That's why California is doing everything possible to reduce its prison population, irrespective of the havoc such policies will have on law abiding citizens when such low-lives reenter the population. In my next blog I will tackle another extremely controversial issue-Who should be allowed to vote.

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