I remember exactly the time, 9:13 AM, and precisely what I was doing when the radio program I was listening that morning was disrupted to tell us that the first of what were to be three planes had struck the World Trade Center in New York. We were at our summer place on the Klamath River and I was laying a course of bricks around the entrance to a humongous wood fired bread oven that I was constructing and had been working on for the past three summers. I never fail to point out the brick I was inserting into the front of the over at that moment to anyone who visits us at the Klamath because I believe 9/11, and our pathetic response to this treacherous act, was the most significant event in my lifetime. I also believe that it was the beginning of the end of the once great country I was fortunate enough to have been born in.
In any case, it was crystal clear to me what our response should have been to this brazen attempt to disrupt the western civilized world and I believe the correct response would have changed the course of history; saved the United States hundreds of trillions of dollars; and saved many thousands of American lives now and in the future. The pain and suffering inflicted on our military families, of course, also could have been avoided.
But I digress, when I went into house to inform Tina, my wife, of what had happened she was still in bed (after all we were on vacation) oblivious as to what had occurred three thousand miles away. After bringing her up to date on the most recent attach on our country, I made this statement.
Where can be only one response to this latest terrorist attack by the Radical Muslims and we must do it now (no there was never any doubt who did it). First, we must, with no advanced warning, destroy Mecca within the next 24 hours. Utterly wipe this den of vipers off the face of the earth, preferably with a nuclear attack that destroys everything and every living human being within 10 miles of the place. This must be done from the air and care must be taken that not one American life is lost in the process. Not a single one!
Second, the president should have announced that any retaliation by the Muslim world or any future terrorist attack on any United States interest, anywhere in the world, would be met with by a similar swift and certain response. In this respect, the president should have provided a comprehensive list of Muslim religious centers throughout the world that would be the target, or targets, of future attaches by the United States of America. Most importantly, the president should have made it clear that our retaliatory attacks would be somewhat random in nature. The Muslim world should have been made to understand that our future punitive attaches would be directed at targets that would have the greatest dilatory effect on the Muslim world as a whole, not necessarily at the Muslim country wherein the attack originated. In this respect, the Muslim world would not know which of their “Holy Shrines” would be targeted next. In short, no Muslim religious center would be exempt from our swift and certain revenge for any terrorist attack on American soil or American interest abroad.
As I stated previously, I believe without any doubt that this policy would have put a swift and certain end to Muslim Terrorism and saved, in the long run, hundreds of thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars in American treasure. I also believed then, as I do now, that George Bush and our politicians did not then and do not now have the balls or good sense to initiate and carry out such a foreign policy. We no longer walk softly and carry a big stick: rather we carry an umbrella.
My proposed response to the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attack on the United States is based on several rock solid fundamental considerations or beliefs if you will.
First and most importantly, our foreign policy with respect to terrorism is based on the faulty premise that the Muslim religion is, except for a radical fringe, a religion of piece. This is, of course, utter nonsense! The Koran can be summed up in one sentence. Convert or we will kill you! That was the way it was in the time of Mohammad and that is the way it is today. Americans and the rest of the free world must wake up to this simple fact, and do so quickly, if we are to have any chance of surviving the present third world war against the Muslim nation. It seems that no US president, or any other leader in the western world except one, understands this simple fact. The exception, of course, is the present leader of the Jewish state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Thoughtless liberal intellectuals, and others of their ilk, will immediately cry foul claiming that the vast majority of American Muslims are piece loving law abiding people who have no ill will against anyone or any other religion. This line of thought, do not confuse it with reasoning, flies in the face of everything we know about the American Muslim religious sect. We know, for example, that Muslim clerics in the USA are responsible for the conversion of an unknown number of Americans, usually youngsters from ultra liberal families and imprisoned black prisoners, who are disillusioned with American society, to radical Islam. In fact, several of these clerics have left the country, when it became too hot for them here, and became the leaders of terrorist cells in Europe and other foreign countries.
We also know that the Muslim leaders in the United States, with rare exception, refused to denounce the first or second attack on the world Trade Center or, for that matter, any other of the attacks throughout the world on American interests. How can this be if these piece loving people have the best interests of America at heart? The answer is, as it was in Reverend Wright’s church, that they do not! Along these same lines, how much of the money collected from American Muslim Mosques is funneled to Muslim terrorist groups outside the United States? Our pathetic politically correct ultra liberal government clearly doesn’t want to know the answer to this question, you bet your last dollar on that!
I believe, without a doubt that if we lose this war against Muslim terrorism the vast majority of American Muslims will immediately forgo any pretences that they may have had with respect to moderation. Rather, they will welcome their radical brethren and embrace the fundamentalist tenets of the Koran. Take my word for this, I was raised in by a fundamentalist religious group and I know how these people think. Given half the chance, the Muslims will be stoning their daughters to death if they are raped by their male relatives and they will be stoning you to death if you don’t convert! Don’t doubt me on this.
Even if I am wrong about American Muslims, it doesn’t make a significant difference one way or the other. The fact is that the vast majority of the two billion Muslims with whom we are at war live in third world countries that have little or no concept of western civilization. Except for the role we allow political correctness to adversely influence our internal political decisions, it doesn’t make a hill of beans difference whether the local crowd are for us or against us, in the larger war against radical Muslim terrorism.
The third reason that we should have responded to 9/11 with overwhelming force is this. While the clerics who lead the radical Muslims preach about the benefits of martyrdom (the 72 virgin thing and all of the other clap trap) you can be sure that these rag heads do not believe it for a minute, or want it for themselves. In this way they are like liberals who want you to ride around in a tin can beetle bus while they take a state owned limousine. Thus, if you kill a few hundred of them at Mecca, it is less likely that their brethren throughout the Moslem world would have continued their anti American rhetoric. Even if they did it will have been worth the try. In any case, history has shown that to be successful in war you must kill a lot of civilians, and the sooner you do it the better!
Now I ask you my fellow Americans, where would we be today if the policy I proposed, now almost 10 years ago, had been followed? Would we still be bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan? Would we, and our grandmothers, still be taking off our shoes at the airport when we fly anywhere, even to local cities a few hundred miles away? Would Iran still be attempting to develop a nuclear device? Would the cretin in North Korea still be thumbing his nose at us and our allies? Would we be more hated by the world at large? If so who cares? What we need is respect not love by the weak sisters that populate most of the free world. Finally, would we be hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt to China and our grand and great grandchildren if we had nipped this war in the bud??
Have a good day!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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