Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Liberal Biased Free Press.

I read our local liberal rag, The Contra Costa Slimes, religiously just to keep abreast of the communist activity in our area. The stupidity and naivety of this newspaper's editorial staff never ceases to amaze me. I could write a blog about the editorials these clowns create every day for the next year and not begin to scratch the surface of the misinformation and outright lies that are propagated daily in the editorial pages of this newspaper. Today, however, I want to take these liberal bastards to task for something they did not chose to cover in their tabloid. The annual Walk of Life, commemorating the 40th university of the dreadful Roe vs. Wade decision, took place in San Francisco on January 26 of this year. An estimated 40,000 people of all ages and racial ethnicities participated in this event. Amazingly at it may seem to those of us who oppose infanticide, the event was completely ignored by the Contra Costa Slimes. It was as if an event that drew 40,000 protestors never even happened. I am sure the Slimes can come up with a number of excuses for their decision not to cover an event of this magnitude. Maybe all their reporters called in sick that day. Alternately, maybe, in the view of the Slimes, a protest that does not result in millions of dollars in property damage or a killing or two, does not deserve attention from the press. Whatever the reason, rest assured that the liberal bias demonstrated by the papers refusal to cover the Walk of Life march for moral sanity did not go unnoticed by the few conservatives and people of faith who remain in the bay area. One last thing while I am on the subject of the liberal bias of the local press. The under informed members of the Slimes editorial board spend a great deal of time nit-picking the policies of the liberals who control every aspect of our lives in the now, not so great, state of California. They rail against Governor Brown's train to nowhere; they scold the liberal politicos who support the corrupt leaders of our public employee unions and their unsustainable retirement programs; and they routinely criticize the decisions made by our incompetent brain dead school administrators. Yet, come election time, the Slimes editorial board supports every liberal Demoratic candidate on the ballot (yes, this in not a miss spelling, I meant to say Demoratic). You see, when all is said and done, the editorial board at the Slimes do seem know right from wrong. At crunch time, however, they just can't bring themselves to do the right thing, no matter how hard they try.

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