Thursday, February 21, 2013

Low Information Voters.

Rush Limbaugh came up with this term in his rather lame attempt to explain why the republicans failed to prevail in the last presidential election. Apparently, this conservative icon has concluded that republicans lost the election because the average voter just did not understand the issues. The answer, the great one seems to think, is to engage in a massive program to educate the masses before the next general election in 2014. As much as I admire Rush and appreciate his heroic efforts to save our country from socialism, I think he has missed the boat badly on this one, just as he did when he predicted that the country would never re-elect Obama in 2012. We just couldn't be stupid enough to make that mistake again, could we? By the way, I predicted Obama's re-election in my novel Escape From Chaos which was written in 2010. In any case, I believe Rush is badly off tract on this one too. While it is true, that the average person who voted for Obama and his crew of liberal misfits could not tell you the name of their state or congressional representatives if their lives depended on it, that observation is irrelevant and completely beside the point. The fact is that, come election time, these people, although not well informed with respect to the political issues of the day, know full well which side of their bread is buttered and, more importantly, who's buttering it for them. The vast majority of the so called low information voters are single issue constituents of the Democrat party. These people are the new majority in America and they could care less about issues like the national debt, gay marriage, abortion, military readiness or you name it. Oh, a few of their members do, but the vast majority of them have no interest what so ever in the social issues of the day. Rather, these people have spent most of their lives with their hands in someone else's pocket and, come election time, they have been conditioned to vote for the party that will keep the manna flowing from Washington DC. That party would be the Demoratic party of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and our present dear leader Barack Hussein Obama. The reader will note that I always resist the urge to call this guy Barack Insane Obama because this ticking time bomb from Reverend Jeremiah's Wright's church is far from insane. On the contrary , he learned his lessons from Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky and his communist mother and father well and he knows exactly what he is doing as he leads the nation down the path to financial ruin. In any case, when the handlers of the low information voters herd their liberal friends into the busses that will carry them to the polling booths every two years, the sheeple do not even have to know the names of the candidates on the ballot before they make their marks on the pieces of paper placed before them. In fact, they don't even have to be able to read or write. No, the only requirement for the low information voter to cast their vote is for them to be able recognize the (D) beside the candidates name. They may not be able to tell you the day of the week, the time of day or even who won the last Forty Niners football game, but they do know that (D) stands for something good (in this case gimme, gimme and gimme some more); that (R) stands for something bad(a slight decrease in governmental largess); and that (I) stands for irrelevant (well, in truth they probably don't know the meaning of big words like irrelevant so they just ignore the (Is) who somehow may have accidentally stumbled onto the ballot. To think that any attempt to educate the low information voters would have made had the slightest bit of difference in any past election, is simply absurd! Sorry Rush, but you are way out in left field on this one, maybe even on some other planet smoking high priced fairy dust cigars and drinking vastly overpriced bottles of California wine Nope, the only way to win over the millions of low information gimme voters is to somehow convince them that the Republican party will out spend the liberal Demorats in a feeble attempt to buy their votes. Now, the low information voters may not be all that bright, but they are never going to fall for a line of BS like this, not in a million years they won't! So, barring some unforeseen catastrophe that will bring the masses to their senses and pull us back from the brink of fiscal insanity, we are finished as a country. Might as well stick a fork in us and be done with it! Yes, the Demorats will have won the day but, I think, it will be a very hollow victory for them in the long run, a very hollow victory indeed. I take some solace in the fact that after most revolutions the political leaders of overthrown regimes are the first to be blindfolded and lined up against the wall. I expect that when that day comes, which it inevitably will, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Barack Obama and the rest of the Washington liberal ruling class will conclude that they simply didn't give the masses enough cake or flat screen TVs to prevent the revolution.

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