Monday, March 12, 2018

6. Blackberries

One cup of black berries provides 32% of our daily need for fiber and 50% of our daily requirement for vitamin C. The ORAC value of blackberries is 2036. General Health benefits Studies have shown that blackberries have more antioxidant content than most foods. Anthocyanins give the berry its glossy dark color and it is this powerful phyonutrient that protects the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of age related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Blackberries have been used to fight cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Anti-cancer effects There is a growing body of evidence that show that berries such as blackberries are among the most potent cancer-fighting foods. Blackberries are rich in cyanidin 3-glucoside, ellagic acid, lignans and myricetin. All of these substances protect against the development of cancer. For example, postmenopausal women with breast cancer who consume high amounts of plant lignans are less likely to die from their breast cancers than those who have low intake of lignans. Cyanidin 3- glucoside has profound chemotherapeutic and chem-protective activity. Ellagic acid, another potent ingredient in blackberries, has been shown to inhibit cancer formation and myricetin has potent antioxidant action. It is thought that the combination of the beneficial compounds in blackberries may be more effective in the prevention of malignancies than any one of the chemicals alone. Propagation Blackberries are easy to grow and propagate wild in many areas along the west coast. These delicious berries also are readily available at farmers markets throughout California and elsewhere.

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