Tuesday, February 27, 2018

5. Raspberries

Raspberries Few of the things we eat are tastier than a freshly picked raspberry and even fewer are more healthful. The antioxidant ORAC value for red raspberries is 5065 while that of black raspberries is a whopping 19,220. One cup of raspberries provides 43% of our daily requirement of vitamin C, 41% of our need for manganese and one third of our daily requirement for fiber. In this chapter, we will discuss the ways this wonderful berry works to improve your health, decrease the effects of aging, lower your chances of developing cancer, improve your cardiovascular health and much more. Premature aging Raspberries contain vitamin C and many other water soluble vitamins that are essential for normal metabolism. These vitamins are not stored in the body and need to be replaced regularly. The anti-oxidants found in raspberries are particularly effective in slowing down the aging process. Premature aging is caused by free radicals that result from a variety of factors including pollution, smoking, exposure to UV rays and other unhealthy lifestyles. The ant-oxidants in the raspberries neutralize the free radicals that cause premature aging and gives you a taut healthy looking skin. Protects against cancer The life expectancy of Americans is increasing with each generation. The incidence of cancer increases as we age. Of particular importance in this respect is the finding that the ellagic acid in raspberries lowers the incidence of cancer. One study even suggests that increasing the daily intake of raspberries can destroy existing cancer cells. This cancer cell killing process, called apoptosis, is applicable to most cancers including breast, colon, pancreas, esophagus, skin and prostate cancers. Raspberries also contain additional ant-oxidants that help to prevent other forms of abnormal cell growth. Eye health The rich array of antioxidants in raspberries protects the eye’s retina from oxidative stress. Specifically, these antioxidants help prevent cataract formation and age-related macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in the older generation. The antioxidants, vitamins A and C and phenols in raspberries also stimulates the production of the watery fluid formed by the eye membranes and, thus, which prevents the condition known as the “Dry Eye” syndrome. Ant-inflammatory properties The phytonutrients, antioxidants and tannins in raspberries fight inflammation and infections throughout the body, especially in the stomach, intestines, bones and cardiovascular systems. Raspberries reduce the severity of arthritis and decrease the risk of fracture in people with various types of bone disease. We now know that stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection of the stomach wall. The anti-inflammatory and infection fighting properties of the phytonutrients in raspberries are useful in controlling the symptoms associated with this common gastrointestinal condition. Diabetes As with many of the superfoods, the high fiber content of raspberries helps control the blood sugar levels in diabetics and is helpful in preventing type 2 diabetes in people who are susceptible to the disease, especially in individuals who are obese. The tiliroside in raspberries stimulates the production of adiponectin which helps stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels in people with this diabetes. The adiponectin in raspberries also stimulates the breakdown of sugar in our bodies and, by so doing, helps to stabilize blood sugar. Finally, it is important to note that the natural sugar in raspberries is fructose which does not require insulin for metabolism; thus, diabetics do not have to worry about elevated blood sugars when they consume raspberries. Obesity Raspberries have extremely low fat content and are rich in fiber, both of these properties are important in the prevention of obesity. In addition, raspberries contain ketones called rheosmins which stimulates the burning of fat stored in the abdomen and elsewhere throughout the body by breaking down the lipids in fat cells. Raspberry ketones also reduce the body’s capacity to absorb excess fat. Cardiovascular health The salicylates in raspberries have anti-coagulative properties that discourage blood clots and, thus, decrease the chances of heart attacks and strokes. The potassium in Raspberries also encourages optimal function of the heart muscles. As with berries in general, raspberries increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in the body and which also reduces the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Women’s health The carotenoids, citric acid, fragrine and vitamins in raspberries, and especially the raspberries’ leaf, decrease menstrual flow and cramps during the menstrual cycle. They also are said to reduce pain and hemorrhage during childbirth. These healthful compounds increase milk flow in lactating mothers. As mentioned above, the phytonutrients in raspberries also decrease a women’s chances of developing cervical cancer.

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