Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Can A Nation So Divided stand?

A year or so ago, my daughter and son-in-law took me to a new restaurant in San Jose. This was an extremely large establishment, seating around 350 people. The place was packed, with long lines of people waiting to get in. They served some type of oriental food, can't remember the type, but it was reasonably tasty. The novelty of the place for me, however, had little to do with the food or the fact the we were eating with our fingers off of sheets of wax paper. Rather, it was the mix of fellow dinners, who were packed like sardines at the tables surrounding ours, that fascinated me. They were speaking in several foreign tongues and it felt like I had been magically transported to some third world county. Then it struck me right between the eyes. The American melting pot had become some kind of a mixed stew. The ingredients in this stew were incompatible with each other and were concocted by a chef with no culinary skills whatsoever. The result was a third world country similar to the one from which most of them had come. Old timers like myself will never accept this transformation to the dark ages, but will we have a choice? It is not only the ethnicity of our nation that has changed so much over the past 50 to 60 years. The politics of today also are unrecognizable to those of us that were born and raised in the nineteenth century. Most of major cities have become liberal "hell holes" ran by the most imbecilic individuals imaginable. These creatures of the deep are elected over and over again by the illiterate masses who could not name the people who govern them if their lives depended on it. They have no idea of who our founding fathers were or what they stood for. It is becoming clearer with each passing day that it makes little or no difference which party is in power, the results are always the same; fewer and fewer people work and pay taxes and the middle class continues to shrink. We are rapidly becoming a third world country like Mexico, a land with the extreme wealthy at the top and the impoverished masses at the bottom, with nothing of note in between. Is there any way out of this socialist mess in which we find ourselves? A second revolution is one obvious option. We had the fortitude to fight our most deadly war to end slavery, but I doubt that we will do the same to rid ourselves of the liberals who live in our most populous states and run our nation's capital. The chances of this happening are slim to none. There is a simple solution (how many times have I told you that?) which will not require a single change in the constitution or any other law or mandate. To pull this off, we must return to the original intent of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution as envisioned by our founders who never envisioned a powerful federal government that ran rough-shod over the rights of our individual states. The Federal Government should be responsible for protecting our country from foreign powers, regulating interstate commerce, and precious little more. Under this revitalization of States Rights the department of Education would be the first to go, followed the Endowment Of The Arts and thousands of other similar redistribution programs that are bankrupting our country. If a local school wants to provide meals on wheels for its citizens from cradle to grave, that decision should be made by local politicians and paid for with state or local funds not mandated by the federal government and paid for by members of a neighboring state or simply, as is most often the case, tacked on to our astronomical national debt. Several other changes should be made to weaken the Federal government and strengthen state control. Members of the congress and senate should be part time employees who meet only on alternate years for, at most, three to four months, the big decisions being made by the state and local governments who will control education, medical care and all other important decisions affecting the well being of their citizens. Under this system of state control, the role of the president will be greatly reduced. His main role will be to manage our foreign affairs and our military but he will not be involved in issues like medical care, education and welfare. Obviously, the role of the federal politicians will be greatly reduced when they are prevented from using the tax dollars of the American worker to buy the votes of underclass. To return to the original question, I am very skeptical with respect to the future of America. Most likely we will become increasingly more divided with each passing day. As things now stand, we are headed for third world status and in most of our big cities we are already there. Now for the answer to last week's quiz. How can one tell if he is gardening organically? The color of fruits and vegetables we grow has little to do with their nutritional value. In fact, plants grown in a sterile chemical soil devoid of organic material and beneficial microorganisms will still look green and healthy and even taste pretty good. In fact, chemically grown plants invariably will have fewer bugs and insects than those grown organically. Looks are not the answer! The key indication that you are "growing the organic way" is the quantity of earthworms in your growing medium. Composting earthworms will not survive in an environment rich in chemical fertilizers; rather, they can only survive in an organic rich medium. Thus, if your garden soil is full of Red wiggler composting earthworms you are doing things right, the more worms the better! This week's question. How can you differentiate between a Red Wiggler composting earthworm and a night-crawler (fishing worm)? Happy thanksgiving!

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