Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trump's First Hundred Days.

Giving this guy the benefit of the doubt, basically we have a political novice who, as a candidate, had little or no idea how the government worked, none at all! Having no idea as to the realities in his own party, Trump believed that all he would have to do is snap his fingers, once elected, and our floundering ship of state would miraculously right itself and all of his political promises (dreams) would become reality. Having no choice, many of us voted for him, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. Most likely we are getting something in between. In this respect, his various nominees have been good and in some cases great. In this respect, the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court will be a game changer for decades to come. But, at this point, it seems abundantly clear that Trump has given up on building the wall; given up on repealing Obama Care; and will be satisfied to "tinker around the edges" of major issues like tax reform, the refunding of Planned Parenthood and other major issues of the day. With respect to getting rid of Obama care, he had the votes to do just that, but instead, insisted on "keeping the good parts and trying to make it better. This is not what we voted for! Rather we voted to rid ourselves of this abomination, not to fix it! The wall will never be built because, now all of a sudden, we are told that it can't be constructed because there is no money to pay for it. Since when, I ask you, did the government ever let a lack of funding get in the way of a project they wanted. In this respect, the bullet train in California springs immediately to mind. No, the vast majority Americans want the wall; however, many economic and political interests oppose anything that would make it more difficult for illegal's to enter our country. I expect, when all is said and done, we ultimately will be given a few miles of token wall, but the hordes of illegal's, drug runners and potential terrorists who cross our borders on a daily basis will continue to do so unabated. In this respect, the ludicrous concept of "sanctuary cities" will continue in states like California despite minimal penalties that will be inflicted by the federal government. The point is that Trump can change little in Washington DC, irrespective of his good intentions. I think that this reality is becoming more clear to him with each passing day.

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