Thursday, November 13, 2014

he US -China carbon emission deal, Obama sells out America yet again!

It is not my purpose to argue for or against legislation designed to curb climate change (global warming) here; rather, I want to point out the traitorous implications of Obama's latest foreign policy blunder in China. First, let me point out the obvious, China is by far and away the biggest atmospheric polluter in the world, no other country is even close! Thus, if we are to make any meaningful reduction in carbon emissions it must start in China, I think most eighth graders understand this, but apparently the members of the Obama administration do not. In short, the deal agreed to requires the US to reduce carbon emissions by 26 to 28 percent ( they clearly picked this figure out of thin air) of 2005 emission levels by 2025. Amazing as it must sound to the eighth graders in this country, Obama agreed that China could continue to expand their use of fossil fuels, and continue to increase their carbon admissions, for another 16 years! As long as they agree to "aim to" get 20 percent of their energy from zero-carbon emission sources by the "pie in the sky" year 2030. In other words, China agrees to continue to grow their economy for another 16 years while we continue to limit ours. Only someone who is "hell bent" on destroying American greatness who enter into such a one sided agreement! The eight graders, who probably understand that our economy is not in all that great shape, probably are wondering why Obama would agree to a deal that further cripples our economy, by imposing higher carbon emission standards on the industrial sector, while getting no concessions what so ever from the world's number one atmospheric polluter, other than the lame promise to do better at some far-off time in the future. The communists in China were willing sign this agreement because it gave them a little good press for a change and because they had absolutely nothing to lose by doing so, nothing at all! Obama did so because any agreement to limit carbon admissions, regardless of how ineffectual and pointless it is, will sell well with the American drive by media and his liberal know-nothing followers in places like Hollywood, San Francisco and New York, to name only three of the most egregious loony bins in the country. It also gave our American hating black president yet another chance to future hamper our recovery from the longest recession in history. Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers must be very proud of him as would have been the now deceased Saul Alinsky and his communist parents Ann Durham and Onyango Obama.

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