Monday, November 24, 2014

The Difference Between Nightcrawlers and Red Wiggler Composting Earthworms.

Basically, there are two types of earthworms, those that borrow deeply into the ground and those that live on the surface of the soil. Nightcrawlers live in tunnels deep in the earth, the openings of which are surrounded by their castings and appear as miniature volcanoes. There are many different types of nightcrawlers and they are named after the areas where they are found, E.G. the African Nightcrawler, the Canadian Nightcrawler, the European Nightcrawler and the Arkansas Nightcrawler. These earthworms are relatively large and are primarily used as fish bait. Most importantly, these large worms are relatively inefficient composters. Red Wiggler composting earthworms, on the other hand, are the same the world over. They also are called manure worms because they are invariably found in horse and cow manure piles throughout the earth. These small worms are ideal for composting organic waste and, under ideal conditions, will consume their weight on organic material every single day of their lives. They also are prized by worm farmers because they are very fertile, doubling their numbers in a worm bed every three months. Other than scented woods, like red or cedar, composting earthworms will eat anything that was once alive, including the scrapes from your kitchen table and your newspaper waste. Most importantly, the castings from these marvelous composters are the finest slow release organic fertilizer on the face of the world. Best of all, if you make them yourself, they are dirt cheap! By the way, we all know the garbage is an environmental problem, but did you know just how big a problem? In the USA we produce over 250 billion metric tons of garbage every single year. Fifty percent of this discarded waste is organic material that composting earthworms, if given half a chance, would gladly turn into valuable organic worm castings. What are you doing with your kitchen waste and newspapers?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

he US -China carbon emission deal, Obama sells out America yet again!

It is not my purpose to argue for or against legislation designed to curb climate change (global warming) here; rather, I want to point out the traitorous implications of Obama's latest foreign policy blunder in China. First, let me point out the obvious, China is by far and away the biggest atmospheric polluter in the world, no other country is even close! Thus, if we are to make any meaningful reduction in carbon emissions it must start in China, I think most eighth graders understand this, but apparently the members of the Obama administration do not. In short, the deal agreed to requires the US to reduce carbon emissions by 26 to 28 percent ( they clearly picked this figure out of thin air) of 2005 emission levels by 2025. Amazing as it must sound to the eighth graders in this country, Obama agreed that China could continue to expand their use of fossil fuels, and continue to increase their carbon admissions, for another 16 years! As long as they agree to "aim to" get 20 percent of their energy from zero-carbon emission sources by the "pie in the sky" year 2030. In other words, China agrees to continue to grow their economy for another 16 years while we continue to limit ours. Only someone who is "hell bent" on destroying American greatness who enter into such a one sided agreement! The eight graders, who probably understand that our economy is not in all that great shape, probably are wondering why Obama would agree to a deal that further cripples our economy, by imposing higher carbon emission standards on the industrial sector, while getting no concessions what so ever from the world's number one atmospheric polluter, other than the lame promise to do better at some far-off time in the future. The communists in China were willing sign this agreement because it gave them a little good press for a change and because they had absolutely nothing to lose by doing so, nothing at all! Obama did so because any agreement to limit carbon admissions, regardless of how ineffectual and pointless it is, will sell well with the American drive by media and his liberal know-nothing followers in places like Hollywood, San Francisco and New York, to name only three of the most egregious loony bins in the country. It also gave our American hating black president yet another chance to future hamper our recovery from the longest recession in history. Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers must be very proud of him as would have been the now deceased Saul Alinsky and his communist parents Ann Durham and Onyango Obama.

Friday, November 7, 2014

What did the 2014 midterm elections mean? Not what you may think!

Yes, the liberals took a shellacking in Tuesday's elections, of that there can be no doubt. But, I would argue, little or nothing has changed in American politics. Most importantly, the tens of millions of our citizens, and non citizens, who voted for Obama not once, but twice, are just as liberal today as they were six years ago when he was first elected. There has been no movement to the right, not even a smidgen! For example, many, if not most Americans, believed in socialized medicine before Obama was elected and, guess what, they still do! While it is true that these died in the wool liberals ding-bats were extremely upset at the bungled roll-out of Obamacare and a smaller percentage felt betrayed by the repeated lies Obama told prior to the passage of this destructive piece of legislation, the vast majority of the liberals in our population still believe in socialized medicine. In this respect, the recent election changed nothing, despite the drubbing liberal politicians took at the poles! It is not my purpose to argue the pros and cons of socialized medicine here; I just want to point out that liberals were not rejecting socialized medicine or any other liberal policy, when they throughout their liberal leaders this past Tuesday; rather, they were, for once, recognizing the utter incompetency of their elected liberal leaders and rebuffing them at the poles. Similarly, despite the chatter of liberal talking heads like Debbie "blabber mouth" Wasserman Schultz, most of the "uninformed" voters in this country know that that economy has not come roaring back from the present recession and they rightly blame their liberal leaders for the nation's prolonged economic stagnation. This, however, doesn't mean that they reject the liberal socialist policies (high taxation, high capital gains taxation, Obamacare, lack of school choice, illegal immigration, insecure borders etc.) which are responsible for the economic quagmire we find ourselves in. No, nothing has changed, the masses rejected their liberal leaders in the election but not their socialist policies. The average liberal is just as ignorant and socialistic today as he was prior to Obama's first election to office, maybe more so. So, what is to be learned from the 2014 midterm elections. First, and most importantly, we conservatives gained nothing! The voters were not rejecting liberal policies when they went to the poles, they simply were rejecting their liberal brain dead leaders. In this respect, conservatives gained little except temporary control of the house, which they already had, and the senate. As always is the case, come 2016 all will be forgotten and voters will return the liberals to power unless, of course, Ben Carson can be induced to run for president. If that happens we have a chance to make a meaningful short term improvement in our situation. But any hoped for changes gained by Carson's election would be short termed at best. In a pure democracy socialism always will prevail in the long run, always has and always will!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Sergeant Tahmooressi Fiasco- Obama at his worst!

It all began when a homeless American war hero become entangled in the rat's maze that is the entry point to Mexico in Tijuana. The genius who designed this border crossing made it impossible to turn back unless you were in the far left lane. If stuck, by accident, in one of the right lanes you were going to Mexico, like it or not! Tahmooressi was snared in this trap and, before he could say Rumpelstiltskin, was in Mexico with three firearms in the bed of his truck, legal in America but very illegal in Mexico. At this point, if the Mexican authorities had had an ounce of common sense they would have sized up the situation for what it was, an innocent mistake by a somewhat mentally deranged America veteran, and put him back in his truck with a fast track ticket back to American soil. Unfortunately, common sense did not prevail and the unfortunate ex-marine spent the next 204 days in Mexican Jails. Having been to Mexico and having read hundreds of accounts of the mistreatment of American's who have become entangled in the Mexican court system, none of this surprised me. What stunned me was the response, or rather the utter lack of such, to the situation by our federal government. Tahmooressi immediately became a "cause célèbre" and the darling of the right wing media, especially Fox News. One would have thought that the Obama administration would have seized the opportunity to, for once, get a little good press and pressured the Mexican authorities to release Tahmooressi immediately on, if nothing else, humanitarian grounds. But, no Obama did nothing! Absolutely nothing! It seems clear that one simple telephone call to Mexico's president Nieto would have brought Tahmooressi home. But, for reasons that only he knows, feckless Obama refused to make the call. Rather than "speak softly and carry a big stick" this "ineffective clown of a president" did nothing. Apparently he has no voice and has never heard of the "power of the stick." Yes, I'll grant you that he's pretty good at fund raising, but that's about all! What, you may be asking, could Obama have done if Mexico's Nieto refused his request to release our marine? Well, three possibilities spring immediately to mind. First, because we know where they are, we could have round up the 52,000 illegal and disease infected children that have crossed our southern border in recent months and send them right back to Mexico from whence they came. Most likely, if we just deported a thousand or so on his doorstep, Nieto would have gotten the message and released Tahmooressi without further a due. Second, Obama could have threaten, once and for all, to close the boarder to illegal's from Mexico. Most likely, just the threat that he would send the National Guard to the border would be sufficient to get Nieto's attention, don't you think? Third, Obama could have threatened to send the thousands of Illegal Mexican felons that are now in American Federal prisons back to Mexico where they belong. Of course, we would have to build that damned fence to prevent them from immediately returning to the states, but we should have done so years ago anyway. Obviously, there are a lot "big sticks" that Obama could have used to obtain the immediate release of Sergeant Tahmooessi from those dreadful Mexican prisons. For reasons that may never be clear, our ineffective spineless, witless wonder of a president refuse to get involved and did little but "twiddle his fingers" while our war hero rotted away in those dreadful Mexican jails. Makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it?