Friday, January 25, 2013


Every time we have another school massacre the Demorats scream and holler about guns and demand that we pass stricter and stricter gun laws. However, as anyone with an IQ above 100 knows, guns do not kill people, people kill people. As a recent E-mailer pointed out, none of the recent mass murderers who carried out these horrendous events have been associated with the NRA or any other conservative group. Nope, they have all been liberal Demorats, every last one of them! Major Hasan, who gunned down killed 32 people at Fort Hood, was a registered Demorat. The two blood thirsty teenage killers at Columbine were too young to vote, but their parents were registered progressive liberal Demorats. The Virginia Tech. killer was a Registered Demorat. The Aurora Colorado mass murder was a registered Demorat who worked on Obama's campaign; was an lawless Occupy Wall Street participant; and a progressive liberal malcontent to boot. I think the message is clear, to keep our children safe, it's not the guns that we should be outlawing; rather, it is the liberal Demorats that we should be keeping a closer eye on. These people tend to be mentally unbalanced on good days and, on those not so good days, stark raving mad. There, of course, are just too many of them to lock up or confine in a mental institution. But we should be paying a lot more attention to these low-lives and a lot less attention to inanimate objects like guns. When all is said and done, it will not be the millions of lawful gun owners that bring this country to its collective knees. No, it will be the bleeding heart liberals who hate the Constitution, hate America, hate their very existence and will stop at nothing to force the rest of us into some type of socialist hell-hole utopia envisioned by their communist forefathers. Unfortunately, these self-serving misfits have the numbers on their side and, at this point in time, there is little we can do to stop them. Other than to stock pile guns and ammo that is! By the way Mable, our Founding Fathers didn't give us the Second Amendment so that we could put meat on our tables. No, these wise men gave us the right to bear arms so that we could defend ourselves against liberal tyrants like Barack Hussein Obama when they come to take away our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

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