Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Controlling Ebola
I have stressed before the importance of strict isolation in preventing the spread of Ebola from Africa to the rest of the world's population. In this respect, the failure to prevent those who have been to Ebola infected places like Liberia from entering the United States is simply insane. Likewise, the idea being floated by the White House, to bring Ebola patents from Africa to United States for treatment, is one of the most ridiculous and risky suggestions ever to come out of Obama's clueless administration. Similarly, the idea that we should send troops to fight a virus is equally absurd.
The question at this time is simple and straight forward, how do we control this virus before it goes worldwide and kills a third or more of the world's population? To prevent this potential catastrophe from becoming a reality we must develop a vaccine the will prevent human's from developing the disease just as we did when facing the polio epidemic in the last century. The question is why have we not done so? After all, we face a new flu virus every single year and always come up with a "flu shot" which is reasonably effective controlling the spread of the virus. Why, then, haven't be been able to develop a vaccine for Ebola or a cure for the disease?
The answer to this question is far simpler than you might think! We have not developed an Ebola vaccine because, to date, too few people are affected by the virus and there is no money in it for the companies who have the resources to develop such a vaccine. Strangely, capitalism doesn't work all that well if there is not the potential of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, in this case a large pot of gold.
The answer is for the government to get involved! Those who know me and those who frequent my blog or read the books I pen, will find this suggestion strange at best and, at worst, evidence that I have gone insane (I think so myself at times). However, I am not suggesting that the government bureaucrats and the researchers they fund will ever find a cure for Ebola or develop a vaccine to curb the spread of the disease, not in a hundred years they won't! But the government has unlimited resources and they can use some of these monies to fund companies in the private sector who, if given an incentive, can and will, develop a vaccine that can be used to prevent the spread of the Ebola Virus.
The next question is how can we make this happen before this localized Ebola problem in Africa becomes a worldwide pandemic? The answer is to offer a one billion dollar reward to the first person, company or organization that comes up with a drug that will kill the virus, without killing the infected person, or develops a vaccine that can be employed to prevent the spread of the virus. I believe such a reward would produce its intended results within two years and maybe sooner if private enterprises with experience in production of vaccines can be induced to get with the program.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Is Ferguson Finally Behind Us?
The autopsy results of the gentle giant Michael Brown are in and, guess what, there are no surprises. This 280 pound black hoodlum, high on marijuana, was shot to death while attaching Daren Wilson with his hands while the officer was sitting in his parole car trying to defend himself. Only a lucky shot to the gentle giants head prevented officer Wilson from being severely injured, or if Brown had been successful in his attempt to wrestle the gun away from Wilson, shot to death!
Eye witnesses to the incident had it right from the beginning but, their accounts of crime scene were dismissed, actually ignored, by the drive by media because their reports contradicted the preferred liberal biased scenario that, this was the cold blooded murder of a helpless black teenager by a racist white cop.
First, we were told that the innocent black teenager was shot in the back as he tried to flee from the racist white cop who was intent on killing him. The autopsy showed no gun shots entered Browns back and only two were lucky enough to hit him from the front. We were then told that the innocent teenager had his hands up and was trying to surrender when he was shot by officer Wilson for no reasonable reason. The black witnesses who attested to this version of the killing were lying through their teeth but, guess what, they will never be prosecuted for their false testimony. Why, because it would be politically incorrect for the gutless local, state and federal authorities to do so!
It was abundantly clear from the beginning that this black hoodlum was not some innocent teenager who was simply walking to his aunt's house after visiting a local store to buy a can of soda pop. Rather, it was clear, from the time that the story first broke on TV, that Brown, who had had run-ins with the authorities before, had just burglarized a local convenience store, stealing a box cigars in the process. In other words, Brown had good reason to fear apprehension by the police!
For those of us who followed this bizarre incident from afar, there was another factor in the media reports that did not pass the smell test. Officer Wilson was taken to a local hospital immediately after the incident. In this respect, there was no suggestion that he was unconscious during his hospitalization. Why, pray tell, did the local authorities suppress his account of the killing. Certainly the police knew from the beginning that officer Wilson was acting in self defense when he shot the gentle giant. Along the same lines, why did the news media have so little interest in reporting officer Wilson's side of the story? These questions remain unanswered to this day, months after Wilson's confrontation with the criminal Brown. Yes Mable, robbing a connivance store is a crime!
Why is this important? It is my contention that the Ferguson riots would not have occurred if officer Wilson's version of the events leading up to the killing of Brown were immediately made known by the local, state and federal agencies who investigated the crime scene. This is especially likely since there were eye witness to backup the officers version of the events that resulted in the shooting of Brown. Why were the authorities silent of these important issues? Very likely we will never know but, to me, the stench of political correctness permeates the Ferguson debacle, from beginning to end!
To answer the question originally asked. The autopsy report of Michael Brown most likely will, at long last, put the Ferguson fiasco to bed. However, the perception of white racism, flamed by political correctness gone a muck, is alive and well and will remain so for the foreseeable future. You can bet your last dollar on that!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Is Term Limits the Answer?
As sure as the sun rises in the east every morning, every decade or so the clueless will begin yapping for term limits. Now don't get me wrong, term limits, in principle, is a good thing and something worth striving for. But, is it the answer to the maiden's prayers? I thing not, not by a long shot!
Californian's passed term limits twenty-four years ago in 1990, primarily to get rid of Willie Brown who had served in the state assembly for some 31 years and controlled the body for the last 15 years of his tenure. Term limits finally ended Brown's corrupt political career in 2004, over ten years ago. As much as I despised this liberal politician's socialist policies, I do not believe that anything has changed for the better in the 10 years since he departed Sacramento. In fact, one could argue that things in the golden state have worsened significantly since he left office. Why is this?
Our worsening financial situation in California and the deteriorating moral decay of its citizens, which mimic the situation in the country as a whole, are not so much the doings of corrupt liberal politicians; rather, the mess we find ourselves is a direct result of our one man one vote concept of governance. In this respect, we are paying a heavy price for having let our system of government erode from a republic, , wherein the central government's powers were extremely limited and well defined, to a pure democracy where the majority rules everything and the minority has very limited rights, or no rights at all.
The redistribution of wealth, which is the inevitably result of a pure democracy, stifles the work ethic, promotes moral decay and, most importantly, erodes property rights, the backbone of any successful capitalist society. Many conservative pundits believe that we will inevitably become an impoverished third world country like Greece if the liberalization of America is allowed to continue for much longer. Considering the staggering poverty in our major cities; the numbers of those who are unemployed and on welfare; the rate of illegitimacy; and the numbers of our young people who are in prison or on parole, it seems clear that we are already Greece, but just don't know it.
Nothing will change unless we alter the way our leaders are elected in the good old, soon to be forgotten, United States of America. This concept of one man one vote is the root of all of the evils in our country. We must make it difficult or impossible for those who contribute little or nothing to society to vote for politicians who will take the hard earned dollars from those who work and redistribute them to those who do not.
The changes that must be made are simple and straight forward. First, only those who pay federal income taxes should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Second, only those who pay state income taxes should have the privilege of voting in state elections. Finally, only those that pay local property taxes or can prove they pay rent, out of their own pocket, to someone who owns property (government housing does not count) should be eligible to vote in local elections.
These simple changes in the way we elect public officials would change everything in America, for the better. Most importantly, it would end the century long reign of the liberal democratic politicians whose policies are ruining our once great nation. What are the chances that these simple changes in voting requirements will be made by our present bought and paid for politicians? Not a chance in hell! We will need a revolution for that to happen,
Friday, October 17, 2014
And This Week's Ding-bat Of The week Award Goes to CDC Chairman Thomas Frieden.
The governmental missteps in the management of the Ebola crisis are almost unimaginable ranging from Obama's refusal to ban flights from the regions in West Africa where the disease is endemic to the care (or lack of such) provided to victim Eric Duncan by the naive personnel at the Dallas Presbyterian Hospital. Our government's handling of the Ebola emergency has been appalling from beginning to end, not that there is an end in sight at the moment.
The data that one could present to show the incompetence of Frieden and the CDCs management of the Ebola crisis is boundless and would be considered comical if it were not for the seriousness of the situation and the possible drastic consequences of the CDCs dim-witted policies. However, in this essay I will limit my remarks to this ignorant incompetent man's misunderstanding of the significance of a fever when assessing a person with a possible communicable disease like Ebola.
First, and most importantly, Mr. Frieden, and his associates at the CDC seem not to understand the importance of the fact the all warm blooded animals have extremely stable temperatures, for humans it is 98.6° F. Note, we humans do not have a temperature range, for example 98.2°F to 99.2°F, which is considered to be normal. Rather, if a human is not dead or suffering from some form of infectious disease or heat stroke, their temperatures are a rock solid 98.6°F, always has been always will be! Even the slightest variation from this norm is a cause for alarm, this is especially true if, as a medical person, the individual you are caring for was unlucky enough to have been exposed to a disease like Ebola.
Considering this fact, which is known to every third year medical student in the world, it is inconceivable that Mr. Frieden and his cronies at the CDC would have concocted the ridiculous rule that allowed a nurse who had extensive contact with an Ebola patent fly in an passenger airliner just because her temperature did not exceed the magical figure of 100.3°F. This is so because anyone who has Ebola, can transmit the virus from the moment he or she first shows signs of becoming ill or, as in this case, develops slightest fever. In this respect, a fever of any degree should have been a sign of alarm, if not panic! The moment this nurse developed the slightest fever she should have been placed in quarantine, of this there can be no question!
While it may be true that a person with Ebola may be less contagious if their temperature is 99.2°F rather than 105°F, there is no evidence what so ever to support the CDC's contention that an Ebola patent cannot pass on the infection if their temperature does not reach the arbitrary figure of 100.4°F and, even if this were so, on one can predict, with any certainly, what the temperature of an Ebola patent, showing minimal signs of illness's when they board an airplane, would be at the end of an extended flight in an airliner, filled with unsuspecting passengers who could contract the deadly disease.
Obviously, the correct rule should have precluded any person from flying for at least 22 days after their last contact with the person suffering from Ebola, in this case Mr. Duncan. The fact that Mr. Frieden's CDC gave nurse Amber Jay Vinson permission to board that airliner is incomprehensible!
Finally, it is important to realize that, to date, there is no evidence that the Ebola virus can be spread through the respiratory system; however, mutations in viruses are the rule rather than the exception and, if a mutation that allows airborne passage of the Ebola virus should occur, a third or more of the world's population could die in the ensuing Ebola pandemic in a matter of weeks. If such a plague should occur, the only thing between us and almost certain death is our incompetent one world president and the bungling, clueless bureaucrats at the CDC. Not a very comforting thought, do you think?
Friday, October 10, 2014
Growing bell (capsicum annuum) and chili peppers as perennials.
Most home gardeners grow bell peppers as an annual starting the plants from seed, or from a nursery seedling, in the spring and pulling them out in the late fall after the first frost. However, bell and chili peppers are actually perennials which can live for many years in temperate climates like we have in the bay area, and most of California for that matter.
A mature pepper plant may look a little yellow and ragged during the cold winter months, but as long as the main branches of the plant remain green they will survive the winter and thrive again in the spring. The advantage of over-wintering these plants is that you have a fully mature plant in the early spring of each year that will produce an abundance of fruit far earlier than the nursery plants you plant each spring.
If you live in a area that has less ideal growing conditions consider growing a few pepper plants in pots and bringing them indoors during cold winter months. You will be well rewarded for your effort.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Is Barrack Obama a Hoax?
Clint Eastwood recently posted on Face book that Obama was a hoax. Apparently Mr. Eastwood believes our president is a trickster, swindler, deceiver or con man. While it's true that Obama is a liar of the highest order and will say and do anything to promote his policies and those of the liberals who support him, I do not believe he is a hoaxster.
To the contrary, it should have been crystal clear from the beginning, to anyone who was willing to take the time to examine, even superficially, the tea leaves, that Obama was an Anti-American, socialist demagogue who was hell-bent on bringing America to its knees for what, he perceived, were her past sins against humanity. The fact that we lost 500,000 souls eliminating slavery from the United States and fought, nearly single handedly, two world wars to preserve freedom throughout the world, is no more than an afterthought to this evil, amoral and Godless creature who has now been our president for six and a half long years.
This wicked man's actions have always told everyone who would listen exactly who he was and is. Born in Kenya of card carrying communist parents; registering as a foreign student in college (that's why he refuses to release his college transcripts); spending twenty plus years in the pews of Reverend Wright's church soaking up Anti-American rhetoric; and working as a community organizer (the only real job he ever had before becoming president) tells us everything we needed to know about this anti-American zealot.
No, Mr. Eastwood, this man is not a Hoax; rather, he is a deadly cancer that is eating at the very life and soul of American life. He accomplishes his sinister deeds with the assistance and full support of the sheeple who refused to recognize the obvious, not once but twice when they voted for him. That, I expect, would be most of you who are reading this. Shame on you!
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