Monday, July 21, 2014
Why Pure Democracies Always Fail.
In America In Decline I discuss the realities of a pure democracy and why they inevitably fail. My good friend Jim Gribbens recently send me an article in which this subject was discussed in length by Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh in the year 1887. It shows, once again, that there is nothing new under the sun! Worse yet, it proves, without a shadow of the doubt, that mankind seems incapable of learning from the mistakes of the past.
This is what professor Tyler said 127 years ago when discussing the fall of Athenian Republic some 2000 years before. "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During these 200 years, these nations always progress through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back to bondage."
Our obituary has already been written in stone: America, Born 1776-Died 2012.
For those of you who believe that the report of America's demise is premature consider these facts.
1) Our nation no longer has borders.
2) Our nation's mean IQ has been falling an average of 1.4 points per generation for the past 150 years and now, with the unrestrained invasion of low IQ illegal immigrants from South America, is in free-fall.
3) Over that past 60 years we have gone from the world's only super power to a nation with no power. In this respect, do you believe for a nanosecond that world leaders give a damn how many red-lines our fearless leader Barack Hussein Obama draws in the sand? Of course not!
4) With an overall illegitimacy rate of 40.7%; an abortion rate of over 50 percent in the black community; and with 33% of all black males being either in prison or on parole, we have gone from a country of morality to a nation of immorality in the short period of about 60 years.
5) Finally, with a national debt exceeding $17.5 trillion we are now bankrupt! In fact, we have been insolvent for several decades but just didn't know it. In this respect, not even Albert Einstein could comprehend the magnitude of a $17.5 trillion dollar debt and there certainly is no possibility that we could ever pay it off, none what so ever!
Yes, as professor Tyler predicted 127 years ago America is finished as a great nation. The fact that our Republic would morph into a pure democracy and fail in the process was predictable from day one!
Friday, July 18, 2014
16. Mittleider Gardening
As Mentioned above some gardening experts believe that healthier more nutritious plants and vegetables can be produced by the judicious addition of chemical based fertilizers to the garden soil. The Mittleider gardening method, arguably, is the most important of these gardening techniques.
The Mittleider method of gardening is similar to hydroponics in that plants are grown in a mixture of chemicals designed to meet the nutritional requirements of plants. In hydroponics the chemicals are provided to the plants in trays of water. Mittleider gardeners feed their garden plants with chemical fertilizers that added to the soil around the plants in their raised bed or dirt gardens on a weekly basis.
The rational for growing plants and vegetables in soil enriched by chemically based fertilizers is based on the fact that everything in this world is chemical and plants cannot tell the difference between nitrogen from a dead leaf or pile of manure from that in a fertilizer bag. Mittleider's research revealed that, of the 118 known elements, plants need only 16 for healthy vigorous growth, three of these are oxygen, hydrogen an carbon dioxide which, of course are readily available in the air. The remaining 13 are all soluble minerals that are absorbed through the plants roots.
To cover the possibility that his commercial Magic Micro Mix of essential chemical nutrients may be missing one or more important elements, Mittleider recommends that plants be grown in beds of natural soil so that the roots of the plants can extract anything that might be missing from his Magic Micro Mix directly from the soil.
The main quarrel I have with the Mittleider method of gardening is that the main component of his magic mix (which includes 10 ounces of Magic Micro Mix and 4 pounds of Epson salt) is 25 pounds of all purpose commercial grade fertilizer. So essentially, I believe, the Mittleider method is nothing more than gardening with a concoction of potentially toxic chemical based fertilizers to which an expensive proprietary mix of trace elements has been added.
In this respect, the next time you consider applying an all purpose fertilizer with an NPK value of 15-15-15 to your garden consider this fact. The nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium make up only 45% of the contents in the fertilizer bag. What makes up the other 55% of the bag's content? One study of 29 commercial fertilizes from 22 states revealed the answer, everything but the kitchen sink! Most importantly, these commercial fertilizers contained a significant amount of industrial waste and high levels of toxic metals including lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, beryllium and dioxin. All of these contaminants are toxic to the human body, even in trace amounts. These toxins have the potential to kill all living things including the beneficial microorganisms in garden soil, as well as your liver and kidneys.
In this respect, Mittleider's followers claim the chemical fertilizers they add to their garden soil do not produce a sterile soil free of the beneficial microorganisms that organic gardener's believe are essential for healthy plant growth. Really? To the contrary, I do not believe that you will find an abundance of earthworms in the soil of a Mittleider chemical garden.
Other aspects of the Mittleider garden methodology are similar to those of organic gardeners who grow their plants upward rather than outward. For example, tomatoes and other vines are attached to baler twine which is strung from overhead wires suspended from T-Frames. T-frames are expensive to construct, but are a consideration for those who have limited space for a garden.
Unfortunately, T-Frames invariably are constructed from wood that has been treated by arsenic based preservatives. I, for one, do not want arsenic treated wood in close proximity to the vegetables that will end up on my kitchen table. For this reason I grow my tomatoes and string beans on eight foot stakes and my peas and cucumbers on 5 foot high wire mesh fences.
In summary, I have no doubt that gardeners can grow beautiful plants and vegetables using the chemical based fertilizers recommended by Mr. Mittleider. However, I do question, because their potential toxicity, how suitable vegetables grown from chemical fertilizers and their toxic metal contaminants are for your kitchen table. Finally, I believe it is much cheaper to grow vegetables in one of the dirt-less gardens I describe in this book than it is to grow them in a garden fertilized by all purpose commercial fertilizers and expensive trace element supplements. While it is probably true that the plants can't tell the difference, I'll bet the earthworms will know the difference and most likely your liver and kidneys will too. Don't take the risk, garden the organic way.
This is a chapter from my soon to be published book- Gardening The Organic Way.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Dinesh D'Souza's movie America Is a must see!
I haven't been to a movie in five years first, because I refuse to support Hollywood liberals and second because I have no interest in vast majority of the meaningless films they produce. On the advice of several friends I made an exception earlier this week and went to see D'Souza's magnificent production America. We went to a 2 PM matinee on Wednesday and the place was packed! Interesting, considering the local Contra Costa Times have not written a word about the film other than to note the time and place of its showing.
First, let me say that I learned a lot from the movie. For Example, I did not know that a significant number of slave owners in several pre-civil war states were indeed black. Somehow I was never taught that is school. More importantly, Mr. D'Souza points out in great detail how important America and its capitalist way of life has been to the world at large over the last 100 years or so.
In this respect, we are the only people in history who, after conquering a nation, rebuilds it and then gives it back to those who originally tried to destroy us. In this respect, although D'Souza did not mention it, one of reasons we are now bankrupt is a result from our never ending humanitarian efforts to "make everything right in the world." In any case, president Obama and many of his liberal followers refuse to acknowledge the past and present greatness of America as do most of those who teach our children in K through 12, and later in college.
I realize that I am "preaching to the choir" to many who will read this. After all, most of you already know that America, with all its flaws, is still the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Rather, my purpose is to point out that this brilliant film provides an important opportunity for true conservatives, and all who love the American way of life, to counteract the liberal propaganda that is being feed on a daily basis to the young people of our country by our educational institutions, the liberal biased media and the morons on television stations like NSNBC.
I implore you, it's summer time and the children and young people are on vacation, take your grandchildren to a move. Not just another "shoot-um- up movie," but to Dinesh D'Souza's America. I believe anyone over the age of 10 will enjoy this movie; of more importance, they will come away with a better understanding of capitalism and have a greater appreciation of the American way of life, at least as it was before the days of the socialist American hater Barack Obama.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Publication of America In Decline
Hi everyone, my latest book, America In Decline, has just been released as an ebook Book on Barnes and Noble and Amazon for $0.99! You also can read it for free on Google Books. One hundred and twenty pages and 15 months of writing. I think you will have a different perspective on the problems we are facing in the United States today after reading America In Decline. I know you will be surprised at how simple the solutions are for righting our floundering ship of state

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