Saturday, October 26, 2013

Illegal Immigration-a high price to pay for a Cheap head of lettuce or Foster Farm Chicken.

As of 10/26/13 the American population exceeds 316,500,000 and is increasing at a rate of one person every 12 seconds. In California, which has a population exceeding 38 million, there are approximately 232 people per square acre of land, even though much of the state is sparsely populated. Mice and rats do not do well if kept in crowded cages and neither do human beings. I believe it is the height of folly to continue governmental policies that encourage immigration, whether legal or illegal. However, the 1.1 million legal immigrants who reside in this country are not the problem, the vast majority of foreigners with green cards are productive members of society who work, play by the rules and pay taxes. In many case they perform work that American's, because of their lack of education, cannot do. As I will discuss at length below, with the tens of millions of illegal aliens who have made America their home it is an entirely different story. With the exception of being a major factor in keeping the Catholic Church afloat, these people, most of whom are uneducated Mexican nationals, contribute little or nothing to the betterment of society and are a tremendous economic drag on the country. To date, nothing of significance has been done to curtail the flood of illegal aliens across our southern border because the democrats see the newcomers as future members of their liberal voting block and big business, especially agribusiness, see the illegal's as a cheap source of labor. Both of these observations are undoubtedly true and speak volumes with respect to the corruption of the political system we are all living under. In this chapter I will discuss the real costs of illegal immigration to America's citizens. As you will see, it is not a pretty picture. Far from it, illegal immigration has been and is now, nothing less than an unmitigated national disaster. The liberal crowd, supported by republicans who call themselves compassionate conservatives, claim that illegal immigration is a net plus for the economy because the immigrants pay taxes on the goods they buy and perform necessary work that Americans refuse to do. I will address the issue of Americans refusing to work in Part 11 of this book. However, the assertion that the piddling amount Mexican illegal's pay in taxes for the goods they purchase, somehow makes up for the costs inherent in having them in our country is simply absurd! Nothing could be further from the truth. To the contrary, as we will see shortly, illegal aliens are a tremendous economic drag on society. Just how serious is this problem? First let's consider the criminal implications of illegal immigration. These statistics were recently published in the ultra-liberal Los Angeles Times and pertain to the Los Angeles basin, but there is no reason to believe that things are a lot different in other large cities in the south western areas of the United States. This data reported by the Los Angeles Times has been largely ignored by the rest of the liberal press and their colleges in the drive-by media. In any case, as the late Paul Harvey would have said, "Here is the rest of the story!" Forty percent of all workers in Los Angeles County are working for cash and not paying a dime in payroll taxes! No, not a thin dime in taxes, even though their children go to our schools; they receive free medical care at our emergency rooms; and 29% of them are on one or more welfare program. What about the criminal aspect of the illegal immigration story? I think you will agree that these statistics are truly unbelievable and, more importantly, totally unacceptable! The Times article reports that ninety-five percent of all warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens of Mexican descent. Similarly, 75% of the people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are Mexican illegal aliens. (These people are not only good at picking grapes, they are adept criminals as well.) Finally, to complete the criminal side of this unseemly story, 35% of all inmates in California's detention centers are illegal Mexican nationals and, nationwide, 29% of those incarcerated in federal prisons are illegal aliens from Mexico. the FBI also reports that half of all the gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the Rio Grande. Are you beginning to see the cost, not only in monies, but in human suffering, we are paying for allowing the Mexico underclass to set up shop in America? Clearly, our politicians have not! By the way, educated, intelligent, successful Mexicans are not among those who flood across our borders by the hundreds each day! No, it is the uneducated Mexican underclass that make the trek through the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico to enter America illegally. The Mexican government, of course, is delighted to be rid of them. But the criminality of the Mexican illegal's is only a part of the problem. The story gets worse, much worse! Over 2/3rds of all births in Los Angeles County are from illegal alien mothers on Medical. These births, of course are a tremendous drain on the tax payer. Worse yet, many, if not most, of the children born to illegal's will become wards of the state and, unbelievably as it may sound, all of them instantly become United States Citizens the moment they are born. Insanity at its highest level, don't you think? Here are a few additional statistics that should curdle you blood. Over 300,000 Los Angeles illegal's are living in garages. Nearly 60% of all HUD properties are occupied by illegal aliens. Twenty-one of 110 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish stations and of the 10.2 million people living in Los Angeles County, over 38% speak only Spanish. If these statistics don't alarm you, maybe a few additional facts will get your attention. Less than 2% of the illegal aliens in this country pick our grapes while 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of America's population growth is a result of illegal immigration and in states like California, Florida, and New York, illegal's account for over 90% of the increases in population. If this trend is allowed to continue we will become a third world Spanish speaking nation before you can say Rumpelstiltskin. I would argue that statistics like this only scrape the surface with respect to the price we are paying for governmental policies that are allowing large segments of the county to be literally, overrun by illegal's from south of the border Throughout the country, our schools are inundated by cognitively challenged Mexican children who do not speak a word of English. Just how is a teacher, no matter how gifted or dedicated, supposed to deal with classroom that is a mixture of students, some of whom speak English and some of whom do not? How does an English speaking student fair in such an environment? Not as well as he or she would in a school where all students speak and are taught in English, I would think. The medical expenses incurred by illegal aliens also are a major drain on the economy of the country. Our emergency rooms are flooded 24/7 with illegal's requiring routine as well as emergency medical care. The illegal's impair the medical care provided to our legal citizens, by clogging up our emergency rooms, and, because they are non-payers, drive up the cost of medical care for the rest of us. In this respect, the state and federal governments pay about 2 billion each year for the medical care provided to illegal immigrants. Ultimately, of course. the tax payers pick up this expense or, more correctly, it is added to our 3.8 trillion dollar national debt. Estimates on the costs spent on welfare payments to the families of illegal aliens range from just over 10 billion to over 330 billion. Whichever figure is correct, it is much too high. One undisputable fact is that 57% of all illegal immigrant families are on one or more welfare program. There is no way to sugar coat these statistics, we as a society are paying an extremely high price for the illegal's who provide cheap labor for agribusiness and potential voters for our liberal handlers. With respect to the so-called cheap labor component of the problem, just what would the consumer have to pay for a head of lettuce or a Foster Farm chicken if the price of these products reflected the hidden costs society pays to support the millions of illegal aliens who are on welfare, using our medical facilities and taking up space in our overcrowded jails and prisons? In truth, I have no idea what the true cost of a head of lettuce or a chicken should be at Safeway if it included these hidden expenses, but it undoubtedly would be many times higher than the figure you see on your grocery receipt. When all is said and done, we are paying a very high price for those cheep groceries we buy at the local food market. The cost we pay in blood, tears and other forms of human suffering for having illegal's in our country, of course, can't be measured in dollars and cents but is, none the less, very significant, as the crime statistics reported by the Los Angeles Times indicate. We need comprehensive immigration reform in this country in the worse way, but not the type of reform proposed by the politicians in Washington DC. We need to stop future illegal's from coming in and throw the ones that are here now, out!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Composting With Earthworms- The Right Thing To Do.

In my latest book, The Earthworm Farmer's Bible, I tell you how to compost your kitchen waste and newspapers with earthworms, but why do it? First, I would argue, because it is the right thing to do from an environmental standpoint. Did you know that we generate over 250 billion metric tons of garbage in this country every single year? Probably not, but, more importantly, I'll bet you didn't know that 50% of everything we throw in the trash can is organic material that can be consumed by our friends the composting earthworms. Just think of the difference it would make if we all composted our table scraps and paper waste with earthworms. That would mean that 125 billion tons of our waste would not end up in the abominations we call landfills. Second, because earthworms turn organic waste into castings, the most valuable, as I say in my book, organic fertilizer on the face of God's green earth. Be careful not to confuse earthworm castings with the humus produced in a compost pile, they are entirely different products, primarily because castings are loaded with beneficial microorganisms and trace elements that make the plants in your garden flourish while the material coming from a regular compost pile is just plain old humus, nothing more nothing less. Third, regular composting is very labor intensive and takes, literally, forever! Earthworms are capable of eating their weight in organic material every single day, no time off for weekend breaks or holidays, they just eat 24/7. Finally, consider this fact. If you chose to add kitchen scrapes to a regular compost pile you will, if fact, be creating a mini-garbage dump in your backyard. The pile will smell bad, attract rodents and produce the same greenhouse gases as a regular garbage dump!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Introduction to Part 11 of my new book-SAVING AMERICA

In part 1, I relied heavily on the statistical data that Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray provided for us in their remarkable book The Bell Curve to support many of my assertions regarding the deteriorating effect modern liberal social policy has had on America and its citizens. Although I instinctively knew the reasons for America's demise before reading The Bell Curve I did not have the statistical data to support my beliefs before I, quite by chance, stumbled onto this extraordinary book. I am, as we all should be, in Herrnstein and Murray's debt for expending the enormous amount of time and energy required to collect and organize the complex statistical data presented in their book in a way that non-statisticians, such as myself, can read and understand. Few people have the cognitive ability to pull something like this off, but they did it and the world is a much better place for their effort. Having said this, I believe Herrnstein and Murray were less successful in their attempt to provide practical solutions to the problems facing twenty-first century America. Their failure to do so was the primary reason for me to write this book. I agree with the authors when they assert that a primary responsibility of social policy is not to give a person dignity but, rather, to make it possible for a person to achieve dignity by working hard and making the most of the talent God gave him. In this respect, their concept of valued places in society is right on and I will devote a chapter to this hypothesis. However, other than to suggest that we decentralize the government, and by so doing return policy making to local governmental bodies, the authors suggest precious little that will make it easier for a person with average or below average cognitive ability to find his place in modern America. Similarly, Herrnstein and Murray propose that we simplify, or do away with, tax codes and the multitude of other bureaucratic regulations that make it difficult for the mentally challenged people to complete the paperwork necessary, for example, to form a small business. Simplification of tax policy and the elimination of bureaucratic red tape is a good thing. On this point I think we can all agree, but will doing so really do much to reduce illegitimacy, decrease criminal activity or solve any of the other social ills the authors discuss in The Bell Curve, I think not! The authors also assert that our criminal laws are too complex for the average person to understand and to unevenly enforced. Maybe so, but will simplification of the criminal code make it less likely that a black, or white, teenager of low cognitive ability who was raised by a low IQ mother single mother commit a crime? Again I think not! Rather, I will argue in the ensuing chapters, the answer is to pursue social policies that will discourage low IQ single mothers, of any race, from having illegitimate children. With respect to marriage, Herrnstein and Murray suggest that we return to the olden days, before women's liberation destroyed the concept that sex outside of marriage was verboten. If the authors have their way, the institution of marriage will, once again, become a rock of society. In this new marital utopia sex outside of marriage would be fronded upon and unwed mothers who became pregnant would have no legal basis for demanding that the men who they slept with contribute to the support of the illegitimate children that was produced by the encounters. Similarly, under this new system, men who participate in these anti-social acts would have no legal rights to visit the child and no say whatsoever in how the child is raised. Whether or not society will accept changes such as these is questionable but, one way or the other, I do not believe attempts to revive the marriage contract will do much of anything to decrease the rate of illegitimate births among unwed mothers in today's America. Molly Lard may be dead but feminism is alive and well in twenty-first century America. None the less, as we will see, there is a way to decrease the illegitimacy rate and we will not have to rely on draconian measures to do it. Finally, the authors of The Bell Curve make a good case for some form of income redistribution, not because wealthy people do not deserve their wealth, but because a person who works hard should be able to earn enough to support a family which often is not the case in twenty-first century America. This does not mean that entry level jobs flipping burgers at McDonalds should be paid be paid $25.00 an hour. Rather, it means that a 30 year old full time farm worker should be able to make enough money to feed and clothe himself and his family and that those of us who buy these commodities is produced should be willing to pay enough for them to make this happen. I will have a great deal more to say about the concept of a fair minimum wage for the cognitive challenged in chapter 6. For now let me say that I agreed with Herrnstein and Murray that some form of income redistribution will be necessary as the jobs available to the American average American worker become more technical and intellectually demanding. However, under no circumstance should future government redistributive policies serve to support, in any way, the life styles of able bodied men and women who choose not to work. If America is to survive as a viable economic power there must be a job for everyone who is willing to work and we must insist that everyone who can work do so.