Thursday, May 23, 2013
Why All The Scandals!
There has never been a more scandal ridden presidency than that of Barack Hussein Obama, never! You have to ask yourself, why the members of this administration are continually on the hot seat? Lord Mable, it's gotten so bad that the liberal press is even questioning their heavy handed transgressions against the citizens of this country and, more importantly, our constitution. No, the Chris Mathews of this world will never go so far as to call for his impeachment, not in a thousand years they won't, but even these morons know that it is not in their best interest to ignore the recent transgressions of the IRS and the administrations miss abuse of the press, even liberal members of the press. Most of all, they finally are becoming fed up with this administrations propensity to lie about everything. Yes, if you ask Jay Carney if the sun will come up next morning, he will find a way lie about it, you can bet your last dollar on that.
So, getting back to the original question, why is this administration continually in hot water? There are two obvious reason for their dilemma. First, and most importantly, contrary to what the masses think, this guy, Barack Hussein Obama, is not all that bright. In this respect, there are at least two reasons our pres refuses to release his college records. The first, is that he was registered as a foreign student. The second is that he is a prime example of affirmative action gone badly amuck, his grades were mediocre at best, I'll bet my last dollar on it! Most affirmative action blacks simply disappear before or shortly after they graduate. Unfortunately this one became president of the United States.
Before this numbskull became president his primary claim to fame was the fact that he invariably voted present to any issue that came before him while a Illinois legislator and later as a member of the US Senate. No, this guy does not have the mental capacity to be president of this country. In this respect, without a teleprompter our black president comes across as a blithering idiot not able to string two meaningful words together, no matter how hard he tries.
However, our problem is not that our president is not particularly bright. We have those before, remember Jimmy Carter. Rather our problem results from the fact that Obama has surrounded himself with a host of underlings cut from the same cloth. In his respect, think Attorney General Holder, Vice President Biden (this guy is really dumber than a box of rocks), Janet (a deer caught in the headlights) Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, and last, but not least, his press secretary Jay (the token high school kid) Carney Barker. Most of these people would be more at home on a funny farm than they would be in the White House.
Unfortunately, the fact that they are not examples of the brightest inhabitants of our planet is not the only factor that keeps them in the perpetual frying pan of national politics. No, an equally important reason they are forever putting their collective feet in their mouths is a direct result of their inherent amorality. These liberals have no moral compass, none what so ever! Their collective amorality allows them to support the killing of new born babies under the pretense of some aberration of women's rights; it justifies the theft, in the guise of taxes, of one American's money so they can use their ill-gotten gains to buy the votes that will keep them in perpetual power; and, most importantly for this discussion, it allows them to lie at every turn in the road. Yes, from Obama to Hillary Clinton these demorats are, perpetual liars from the soles of their feet to the tops of their shallow foreheads.
In politics, everyone knows that it is not the mistakes you make that get you in trouble; rather, it is the cover-up that leads to your demise. The present nest of yellow-jackets in the White House are continually in hot water, not so much because they are so mistake prone, but because they continually lie to cover up their administrative blunders. It's as simple as that.
Will the endless mistakes and the administrations lying attempts to cover them up ever catch up with Obama and his incompetent socialist administration? Not a chance, after all this guy is our first black president and it will set back affirmative action for a hundred years if he were to be forced out of office. Nope, we are stuck with him come hell or high water and nothing is going to change in the White House for the next three and a half years no matter how many mistakes are made or how many lies are told to cover them up! The scandals will continue no matter what so we might as well get used to it, it's just the way it is in America these days.
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